
  1. 商业企业顾客满意战略价值工程分析

    An approach to the commercial enterprises ' strategic works of value of satisfaction of customers

  2. 除了顾客满意、价值等影响因素之外,相关学者研究发现品牌依恋也是一个不可忽视的重要因素。

    Except customer satisfaction and value which is an important influence factor of brand loyalty , some research has already found that the brand attachment is also a factor which cannot be ignored .

  3. 服务质量、顾客满意与顾客价值的关系剖析&基于电信产业的整合框架

    Analysis of the Relationships among Service Quality , Customer Satisfaction and Customer Value

  4. 顾客满意和顾客价值的研究已经很多,而转换障碍的专门研究目前只有较少学者关注。

    Customer satisfaction and customer value has attracted a lot of specialized study . But only a few scholars are concerned about switching barriers .

  5. 结合国内成功房地产企业的实践,先后提出和分析了房地产服务战略、房地产顾客满意战略、价值沟通战略、缺憾最小化战略以及房地产投诉应对策略。

    The author puts forward and analyses service strategy , customer satisfaction strategy , value communication strategy , regret minimization strategy and appeal reply strategy .

  6. 然后阐述了顾客满意、顾客价值理论,深入剖析顾客让渡价值和顾客感知价值,并指出顾客忠诚度的评估方法;

    Explain customer satisfaction and customer value theory , analyze customer delivered value and customer perceived value thoroughly , point out customer loyalty ' assessment method ;

  7. 为此本文构建了以顾客满意、顾客价值和转换成本为自变量,顾客经验为调节变量,行为忠诚和态度忠诚为因变量的关系模型,通过实证数据予以检验,同时做了相关探索性研究。

    The main focus of this paper is to investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction , customer value , switching cost , customer experience and customer loyalty .

  8. 通过实证分析,验证了顾客满意时产品价值的影响机制,揭示如何才能实现产品价值最大化。

    Through empirical analysis , the paper testifies the mechanism which can produce value when customer is satisfied with it and reveal how to maximize the product value .

  9. 在当前追求顾客满意、顾客价值最大、社会福利最大的营销时代,客观存在和不可避免的顾客抱怨成为了理论界的重要研究课题。

    In the current marketing age full of the pursuit of Customer Satisfaction , Customer Value , and the largest of Social Welfare , Customer Complaints which is an objective and inevitable comes to be a critical issue in the theory .

  10. 概述顾客满意和顾客感知价值等组织关键的以顾客为中心的结果,包括顾客忠诚。

    Summarize your organization 's KEY CUSTOMER-focused RESULTS for CUSTOMER satisfaction and CUSTOMER-perceived VALUE , including CUSTOMER loyalty .

  11. 顾客满意是顾客期望价值与顾客感知价值的函数,顾客忠诚则可以区分为理想忠诚和约束忠诚;

    Customer satisfaction is the function of customer expected value and customer perceived value . Customer loyalty can be divided into ideal loyalty and restraining loyalty .

  12. 接着,通过查阅文献,焦点小组访谈以及深度访谈,获得了影响移动通信运营企业顾客满意的相关顾客价值因素,初步整理出顾客满意的评价指标。

    Then through literature review , focus group interviews and in-depth interviews , access to the customer value factors of the mobile communication operation companies related to customer satisfaction , obtain a preliminary evaluation of customer satisfaction index .

  13. 主要包括以下几个方面:转换成本、行业竞争、顾客满意、顾客感知价值、顾客信任和服务质量。(2)移动通信行业的顾客忠诚包括态度忠诚和行为忠诚两个方面。

    It consists of switching cost , competition of the industry , customer satisfaction , customer perceived value , customer trust and service quality . ( 2 ) Customer loyalty of Mobile industry can be divided into attitudinal loyalty and behavior loyalty .

  14. 如何激励员工为企业创造更多的价值?如何在激烈竞争的社会里取得竞争优势?如何为顾客创造满意的顾客价值?这些都是摆在每个企业面前的一大难题。

    How to motivate employees to create more value for the enterprise ? How to gain a competitive advantage in a highly competitive society ? How to create customer satisfaction customer value ? These are placed in front of each enterprise is a major problem .

  15. 在对顾客期望、感知质量、顾客满意、顾客价值和企业形象以及顾客忠诚之间关系全面分析的基础上,构建了一个新的动态化的CSI模型。

    On the basis of all-sided analysis on relationships between customer expectation perceived quality customer satisfaction customer value enterprise image and customer loyalty , a new dynamic CSI model is constructed .

  16. 针对顾客满意理论研究的现状,笔者在讨论顾客满意内涵和顾客满意模型的基础上,深入探讨顾客满意的价值及其这一理论对营销的贡献。

    In view of this situation , based on the discussion of definition and the model of the Customer Satisfaction , the author goes further into the value of Customer Satisfaction theory and the contribution to marketing of it .

  17. 组织在市场中的竞争说到底是顾客的竞争,即看谁能够拥有更多的现在的顾客和潜在的顾客,这就看谁能够为顾客提供他们满意的价值。

    The nature of market competition consists in customer acquisition , i.e. The number of existing and potential customers for an organization is much concerned with value of customer satisfaction .