
  • Clownfish;Nemo
  1. 小丑鱼是礁岩上娇小又不设防的栖息�

    A clownfish , a small and defenceless resident of the reef .

  2. 在安迪玩具箱底部有我们非常熟悉的“小丑鱼”的贴纸。

    Check out the sticker at the bottom of Andy 's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish .

  3. 热带小丑鱼,一般可以在太平洋海域多珊瑚、多海藻的群礁地区发现,例如这一条就出现在印度尼西亚土康贝西群岛(TukangbesiIslands)的海域。

    Found in coral-rich seaweed reefs in the Pacific Ocean , clown triggerfish , such as this patterned juvenile in Indonesia 's Tukangbesi Islands , are master predators .

  4. 海葵像是这对小丑鱼的城堡

    For this pair , the anemone is like a castle .

  5. 你们曾听过小丑鱼的故事吗?

    Do you know the story of the clown fish ?

  6. 就像小丑鱼和海葵那样。

    Like the clown fish and the sea anemone .

  7. 一大群不成熟的小丑鱼排队等着取而代之

    In line to take over are a host of immature clown fish ...

  8. 其他令人着迷的彩色动物还包括小丑鱼、刺蝶鱼和螳螂虾。

    Other colorful favorites include clown fish , angelfish , and mantis shrimp .

  9. 慢慢地,一个胆小的小丑鱼变得勇敢起来;

    Slowly , a timid clown fish become brave ;

  10. 然而小丑鱼完全免疫

    Yet the clown fish are totally immune .

  11. 由于小丑鱼与有毒性的海葵共生,有此保护伞,活捉困难度高。

    Clownfish live in symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones , which protect them and make them difficult to catch .

  12. 弹床内有四个海洋动物供小朋友玩,包括小丑鱼。

    It has a four marine animals for the children to play including a clown fish to jump through .

  13. 例如,它能削弱幼年小丑鱼的方向感和嗅觉,让它们更容易受到捕食者的攻击。

    For example , it can impair orientation and sense of smell in young clownfish , making them more vulnerable to predators .

  14. 八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .

  15. 船舱里活跃着虾怪、小丑鱼、长臂章鱼等许多海底精灵;

    You can also find a lot of benthal animals in the cabin , such as shrimps , clown fish and long-arm octopus .

  16. 自从2005年以来,拯救尼莫基金就在努力人工饲养小丑鱼,减少野外种群受到的威胁。

    The Saving Nemo fund has been breeding clownfish in nurseries since 2005 in an effort to ensure wild populations do not suffer .

  17. 小丑鱼和泡状触手海葵,泡状触手海葵由于水温高而被漂白,这导致它严重缺乏一般藻类通过光合作用供能所需的色素。

    Bleached by high water temperatures , this bubble-tipped anemone is largely devoid of the algae that provide color as well as energy from photosynthesis .

  18. 一只雄性小丑鱼像个辛劳的园丁一样将死去的胚胎拨走整理自己的地盘以为孵蛋。

    A male tomato clownfish ( Amphiprion frenatus ) tends his field of developing eggs like a gardener , scooping away ones with dead embryos .

  19. 雄性小丑鱼的责任是守卫著正在孵化的胚胎;它还经常为巢穴打扫或去除己死的胚胎。

    Male anemonefish frequently visits the nest to fan the eggs with his pectoral fin and to remove dead eggs and debris with his mouth .

  20. 有一天何源兴突然发现一个水族展示缸内的小丑鱼大量产卵,他顺势开始进行繁殖研究。

    One day Ho happened to notice a large number of clownfish eggs in one of the tanks , and leapt at the chance to study clownfish reproduction .

  21. 小丑鱼保护海葵不被其他鱼类吃掉,而海葵带刺触须保护了小丑鱼不被肉食鱼类吃掉。

    The clown fish protects the anemone from other fish that would eat it , while the anemone 's stinging tentacles keep the clown fish 's predators away .

  22. 这部电影令宠物店的小丑鱼大受欢迎,从而导致其传统栖息地珊瑚礁附近内的相应种群数量下降。

    The earlier film led to the huge popularity of clownfish in pet shops , and a corresponding drop in their numbers in their traditional habitat on coral reefs .

  23. 而根据《美国国家科学院院刊》上的一篇报道,酸性海水还会导致小丑鱼和小热带鱼(小雀鲷)变得胆大妄为,从而自寻死路。

    And it turns out acidic seawater also makes clownfish and damselfish suicidally bold and reckless , according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  24. 海豚、小丑鱼,以及其它比绚丽的淡水鱼外形更加奇特、颜色更加耀眼的海水鱼特别感兴趣。

    There is also an interest in sea horses , puffers , clown fish and other salty types with shapes more strange and colors brighter than even the showiest of fresh-water fish .

  25. 一般而言,小丑鱼喜爱成群结队穿梭于海葵之间,除了领头的一对成年雄性和雌性小丑鱼负责生育外,其余均为不能生育的年幼雄鱼。

    Socially , clownfish like to hang out in sea anemones where two large breeders , a male and a female , are in charge of a group of smaller male clownfish who don 't reproduce .

  26. 电影《多莉去哪儿》中,由艾伦·德杰尼勒斯配音的主角多莉与艾伯特·布鲁克斯配音的小丑鱼父子马林、尼莫重逢,一起寻找她的过去。

    In " Finding Dory , " Dory ( Ellen DeGeneres ) is reunited with Nemo and Marlin ( Albert Brooks ) . This time , Dory takes the spotlight , as they embark on a search for her past .

  27. 热带小丑鱼虽然身材不大,但却是精于捕猎的食肉鱼类,主要的捕猎目标包括:海胆、蛤蚌、海蜗牛、蟹等等,它会吹动水流冲走沙粒从而让猎物暴露,然后以它强力的嘴巴和尖利的牙齿捕猎食物。

    The fish blow streams of water at the sand to expose hiding prey , then use their powerful jaws and rows of sharp teeth to crush through hard-shelled reef creatures such as sea urchins , clams , snails , and crabs .

  28. 羊鱼一种具有明丽色彩的羊鱼科的温水海鱼,下颚上有一对触须八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Mullidae of warm seas , having two sensory barbels on the chin . Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .