
  • 网络Built Environment;environment;Environment construction
  1. 局域网VOD点播环境建设的初步实践

    An Initial Practice of Constructing an Intranet VOD Media Player Environment

  2. 基于GIS信息进行生态环境建设的分析、辅助指导及相关应用已经成为GIS应用的热点。

    Analysis of the ecological environment construction , supporting guidance and application based on GIS information has become a hot topic of GIS applications .

  3. 本文从目前我国教育信息化的现状入手,论述了信息化学习支持环境建设的必要性,并提出了基于电子绩效支持系统(EPSS)的信息化学习支持环境设计的具体方案。

    From the actuality of the e-learning in our country , the paper points out it is necessary for building an e-learning support environment and brings forward a specific solution-to design an Electronic Performance Support System ( EPSS ) based e-learning support environment .

  4. 开发西部切入点的研究&以黄土高原生态环境建设切入点为例

    Analysis about the key point of eco-environment construction on Loess Plateau

  5. 延寿县的水土保持与生态环境建设

    Water and soil conservation and ecology environment construction in Yanshou County

  6. 历史时期黄土高原生态环境建设分析

    Analysis on Eco environment Construction in Human Period on Loess Plateau

  7. 高校软环境建设指标体系及定量分析方法

    Research on the University Soft-environment-construction Targets System and Quantitative Analysis Method

  8. 三峡库区移民居住区人居环境建设初探&以巫山县大昌新镇移民居住区设计为例

    Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area

  9. 三峡工程与人居环境建设

    The Three Gorges Project and the Construction of Human Settlement Environment

  10. 实验动物屏障环境建设和管理模式初探

    Mode of construction and administration of barrier environment for laboratory animals

  11. 加强实验室环境建设,提高实验室整体水平

    Strengthen the Construction of Laboratory Improve the Whole Level of Laboratory

  12. 生态环境建设与生态环境用水

    Construction of ecological environment and demand of ecological environment on water resource

  13. 高校校园人文环境建设探析

    On the Construction of the Humane Environment in University Campus

  14. 北京山地系统的土地利用控制与景观生态环境建设规划

    The Landuse Controlling and Landscape Ecology planning Study of Beijing Mountain System

  15. 高校实验室环境建设与管理问题及对策研究

    On laboratory environment construction and management in Colleges and Universities

  16. 青河县森林分类经营与生态环境建设

    Forestry Classified Management and Ecological Environment Construction in Qinghe County

  17. 库区环境建设中廊的借鉴与思考

    Consideration and reference for Lang in environmental construction surrounding reservoirs

  18. 论我国劳动力市场发展的外部环境建设

    On the external constructions in circumstances for the labor marketing

  19. 在森林生态环境建设中,政府如何进行决策;

    How to make decision by the government in forestry eco-environment construction ;

  20. 大学城环境建设呼唤天人合一观

    The Environmental Construction of University Towns for Harmony Between Society and Nature

  21. “生态屏障”概念源于我国生态环境建设实践。

    The concept of'Ecological Defence'is from the ecological construction practices in China .

  22. 西部大开发中生态环境建设应重视的问题及对策

    The problems of ecological environment construction in the western development and Countermeasures

  23. 福州市人才环境建设存在哪些问题?

    Fuzhou City talent environment construction exist what problem ?

  24. 21世纪河南林业生态环境建设战略研究

    The strategic study on construction of Henan forestry ecological environment in 21st century

  25. 加快农村环境建设,促进农村经济发展

    Quicken the Construction of Rural Environment to Promote the Development of Rural Economy

  26. 生态环境建设应和经济建设并重

    An Equal Stress Should be Laid on the Environment Construction and Economy Construction

  27. 我国生态环境建设项目管理问题探讨

    Discussion on Management of Environment Project Construction in China

  28. 加快浙江电子商务物流环境建设的探讨

    Discussed on speeding up logistics environment construction with electronic commerce in Zhejiang province

  29. 重点学科开放性实验室软环境建设探析

    Soft Environment Construction in Opening Laboratory in Key Subject

  30. 绿色生态住区的水环境建设

    Water Environment Construction in Green and Ecological Residence Zone