
huán jìnɡ biàn yì
  • environmental variation
  1. 啤酒大麦品种的蛋白质含量和环境变异研究

    Study on Protein Content and Environmental Variation of Malting Barley Cultivar

  2. 啤酒大麦主要品质性状的品种和环境变异研究

    Study on Cultivar and Environmental Variation in Qualities of Malting Barley

  3. 不同品质类型冬小麦产量的环境变异研究

    Effect of environment on yield of winter wheat of different quality types

  4. 喀斯特工业区的环境变异&以水城盆地为例

    Environmental variation of karst industrial Area-Take Shuicheng Basin for example

  5. 城市区域地下水环境变异的水化学因子分析

    Water Chemical Elements Analysis of City Area Groundwater Environment Variation

  6. 河口海岸环境变异和资源可持续利用

    Estuarine and coastal environment changes and resource sustainable utilization

  7. 大麦品质性状的基因型和环境变异及其机理研究

    Genotypic and Environmental Variation of Grain Quality and Their Relative Mechanism in Barley

  8. 地质环境变异引起的建筑物裂缝分析

    Analysis on Building Cracks Caused by Geological Environment Variation

  9. 大麦β-葡聚糖酶的品种和环境变异及其遗传

    Cultivar and Environmental Variation of β - glucanase in Barley and its Genetic Improvement

  10. 水稻籽粒植酸含量的环境变异及其与矿质元素间关系

    Environmental Variation of Rice Phytic Acid Content and its Relation to Rice Mineral Elements

  11. 大跨空间钢结构模态参数识别与环境变异性研究

    Research on Modal Parameters Identification for Large Span Spatial Steel Structure and Environmental Variability

  12. 优质小麦品质性状的环境变异研究

    Study on Variation of Quality Characters of High quality Wheat Grown in Different Environment

  13. 采煤塌陷后风沙区土壤水分的环境变异性研究

    Study on environmental variability of soil moisture in windy desert area after mining subsiding

  14. 西部山区河流梯级开发水环境变异的防范对策

    Countermeasures for Preventing Water Quality Degradation During River Gradual Exploitation in West Mountainous Area

  15. 喀斯特地区过度开发土地资源的环境变异

    The discussion on the environmental variation by excessive exploitation of land resource in Karst Area

  16. 新疆面包小麦品质性状环境变异及配粉效果的研究

    Variance of Quality Traits in Different Environment and Blending Effect of Bread Wheat in Xinjiang

  17. 大麦β-淀粉酶的遗传和环境变异及其与麦芽品质的相关

    Genetic and Environmental Variation of β - amylase in Barley and its relationship to malt quality

  18. 新疆冬小麦品质性状的环境变异及其相关性研究

    Study on Variation of Quality Characters in Different Ecological Enviroment and Correlation of Winter Wheat in Xinjiang

  19. 热带生物海岸在我国河口海岸生态环境变异和资源可持续利用研究中具有特别重要的意义。

    The research of tropical biological coasts has a special importance for the coastal and estuarine environments resource sustainable development .

  20. 介绍了四个地质环境变异导致的工程事故。

    Through concrete examples , the causes of four project accidents related with water owing to geological environment variation are analyzed .

  21. 相关研究表明,环境变异系数与遗传变异系数呈显著的正相关,而与遗传力的高低呈显著的负相关,但遗传变异系数与遗传力的高低无关。

    Enviromental variation coefficients were significantly and positively associated with gen - etic variation coefficients but they were significantly and negatively related to heretability .

  22. 对种群内部密度制约过程与诸如环境变异性等外部因子交互作用的检验正在成为哺乳动物种群系统生态学领域关注的论题。

    Recently , this has led to growing interest in how internal processes such as density-dependent interact with external factors such as environmental variability .

  23. 研究所用方法与结果可用于预测因地下水环境变异引起的土体结构变异或引起土体污染后土体性质变化的趋势,进而为建筑环境的岩土环境稳定性做出评价和预测。

    The study methods and conclusion can be used to preview the change of soil with the groundwater change , and then value the stability of geotechnical environment .

  24. 通过数值仿真以及国家游泳中心现场实测数据的分析,验证所提方法的有效性。在此基础上进一步分析模态参数的环境变异性。(4)研究考虑不确定性的模型修正方法。

    Numerical simulation and field measurement of National Aquatic Center verify the effectiveness of the proposed method . Fourthly , this dissertation studies model updating method considering uncertainty .

  25. 二是因冻土退化、萎缩,引起水环境变异,导致多层面与综合成因的生态环境恶化;

    The second is that the water environment changes by the degradation and atrophy of frozen earth cause multilayer and synthesis cause of formation degeneration of the eco-environment ;

  26. 以小兴安岭阔叶红松林林隙为研究对象,采用地统计学方法对林隙地面温度的微环境变异特征进行分析。

    Based on broad-leaved Pinus koraiensis forest gap in Xiao Xing'an Mountains , micro-environmental variation feature of soil surface temperature in the gap was studied by geographical statistics ' method .

  27. 采用峰值法识别了润扬大桥斜拉桥的主要模态频率,并详细地考察了日常运营条件下实测模态频率的环境变异性。

    The modal frequencies of the bridge are identified using the peak-picking method and which the environmental variability of the modal frequencies is discussed in detail under daily traffic conditions .

  28. 首先从孕育洪涝灾害的环境变异性、社会经济灾敏性、城市土地利用对洪涝的放大作用,防洪标准和人为设障等方面对湖南城市洪涝的易损性进行了总体诊断。

    The general diagnosis for vulnerability of the urban flood waterlogged disaster in Hunan Province was carried out by analyzing environmental variability , urban location vulnerability , hazard sensitivity of urban socio economic conditions .

  29. 相对于环境变异系数来说,株高、穗子大小和千粒重的遗传变异系数较大,选择的把握性较大。

    Compared with the environmental variance some traits such as the height of plant , and the weight of ear and grain had bigger coefficient of genetic variance and were apt to genetic improvement through selection .

  30. 前瞻性地研究大都市群环境变异的规律,主动、系统、全面地采取相对应的调控措施,才能有效地解决大都市群发展与环境的协调问题。

    Only when we study the environmental variation rules of metropolitan groups in advance and take corresponding regulating measures actively , systematically and comprehensively can we effectively settle the problem of harmony between development of metropolitan groups and the environment .