- 名Environmental Protection Department

The Environmental Protection Department ( EPD ) will complete a review of these objectives in 1998 .
To reduce waste and implement the " Polluter Pays " principle , the Environmental Protection Department is considering the introduction of producer-responsibility schemes for various products .
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that " the production , distribution , and use of products — as well as management of the resulting waste — all result in greenhouse gas release . "
The Environmental Protection Agency 's proposed regulations to reduce carbon emissions are generating heated debate about climate change .
We passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts , established the Environmental Protection Agency , and safeguarded treasured American landscapes .
For its part , the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) is in the process of enacting a proposed rule to enforce emissions regulations on coal-fired plants .
In written comments to the Army Corps of Engineers , the Environmental Protection Agency said the berms might not be built in time to stop oil from hitting shore .
Laurence Hajna spokesman of the state for the state department environmental protection said ,
According to the EPA ' study , indoor air quality is more poor than outside air quality in industrial city .
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is preparing to levy what could be its largest fine ever - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars - against the DuPont company .
Georgia 's petition also claims the EPA 's models contain errors that exaggerate the state 's emissions and force it to cut too much .
Six air pollutants , i.e. , Particulate matter , ozone , carbon monoxide , sulfur oxides , nitrogen oxides and lead , are common or criteria pollutants set by US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) .
In1987 , the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure ( 1 ) .
In 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) proposed tightening restrictions on ozone - a surprise in itself , since the rules were not due for review until 2013 .
The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) report that for most people , however , the amount of mercury they consume by eating fish isn 't a health concern .
The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has been advising Sepa on ways to conduct industrial and vehicle emissions monitoring , suggesting ways to collect better data at sources and strengthen regulations .
Each state creates its own standards for water quality-these must be at least as stringent as those set by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) - and issues permits to regulate discharges from such sources .
Chevron is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and the California Air Resources Board ( CARB ) so that the renewable fuel it produces would count toward emission credits .
Water Policy and Planning Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]
Approval from the Environmental Protection Administration , Executive Yuan is required .
Local Control Office ( Urban East ) [ Environmental Protection Department ]
The Department of Environmental Conservation estimates the optimum population at 60 .
Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]
Waste Management Policy Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]
EPA 's approach to settlement changed radically during the early implementation of Superfund .
New York 's Department of Environmental Conservation is reviewing potential effects from fracking .
The director of environmental protection is designated as the authority for the Western buffer water control zone .
These events were pivotal in motivating Congress to establish the EPA and pass landmark clean air laws .
The EPA itself estimates that meeting the new mercury standards will cost businesses $ 10 billion a year .
The United States Environmental Protection Agency says producing stronger plants by grafting can reduce the needs to use pesticides .