
huán jìnɡ bǎo hù shǔ
  • Environmental Protection Department
  1. 环境保护署将于一九九八年完成对这些指标的评估。

    The Environmental Protection Department ( EPD ) will complete a review of these objectives in 1998 .

  2. 「为了减少废物及落实「污染者自付」的原则,环境保护署正积极研究就不同产品引入「生产者责任计划」。

    To reduce waste and implement the " Polluter Pays " principle , the Environmental Protection Department is considering the introduction of producer-responsibility schemes for various products .

  3. 美国环境保护署(U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)指出,大多数废物都是危险的,因为"产品的生产、分销和使用——以及由此产生的废物的管理——都会导致温室气体的排放。"

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that " the production , distribution , and use of products — as well as management of the resulting waste — all result in greenhouse gas release . "

  4. 美国环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)拟定的减少碳排放提案正在引发一场关于气候变化的激烈辩论。

    The Environmental Protection Agency 's proposed regulations to reduce carbon emissions are generating heated debate about climate change .

  5. 我们通过了清洁空气和清洁水的法案,设立了环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency),保护了美国备受珍惜的美好江山。

    We passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts , established the Environmental Protection Agency , and safeguarded treasured American landscapes .

  6. 作为这项努力的一部分,美国环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)即将实施已提出的一项对火力发电厂的排放规定。

    For its part , the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) is in the process of enacting a proposed rule to enforce emissions regulations on coal-fired plants .

  7. 环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)在写给陆军工兵部队的书面评论中说,这些沙堤的修建可能来不及阻止石油上岸。

    In written comments to the Army Corps of Engineers , the Environmental Protection Agency said the berms might not be built in time to stop oil from hitting shore .

  8. 美国国务院环境保护署发言人LaurenceHajna说道:

    Laurence Hajna spokesman of the state for the state department environmental protection said ,

  9. 根据美国环境保护署(EPA)的研究显示,居家和办公楼的室内空气比高工业化城市的空气遭受更严重的污染。

    According to the EPA ' study , indoor air quality is more poor than outside air quality in industrial city .

  10. 美环境保护署(environmentalprotectionagency,epa)周四称,它正准备对杜邦公司(dupont)开出有史以来的数亿美元的最高罚款。

    The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is preparing to levy what could be its largest fine ever - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars - against the DuPont company .

  11. 乔治亚州的请愿书中也声称环境保护署(EPA)的模式中包含夸大乔治亚州排放物的错误并强制其削减太多。

    Georgia 's petition also claims the EPA 's models contain errors that exaggerate the state 's emissions and force it to cut too much .

  12. 颗粒物、臭氧、一氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和铅这6种污染物被美国环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,EPA)定义为常见污染物,也被称为标准污染物。

    Six air pollutants , i.e. , Particulate matter , ozone , carbon monoxide , sulfur oxides , nitrogen oxides and lead , are common or criteria pollutants set by US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) .

  13. 1987年,美国环境保护署(EPA)曝光(分类甲醛作为或长时间高的条件下人类可能致癌的物质的异常1)。

    In1987 , the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure ( 1 ) .

  14. 2010年环境保护署(EPA)提议降低排放臭氧的限制,这是一个令人惊讶的决定,因为这项限制措施要到2013年才要复审。

    In 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) proposed tightening restrictions on ozone - a surprise in itself , since the rules were not due for review until 2013 .

  15. 美国食品药物管理局和环境保护署(EPA)的报告,但是对大多数人,食用鱼汞含量不是一个健康消费的关注。

    The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) report that for most people , however , the amount of mercury they consume by eating fish isn 't a health concern .

  16. 美国环境保护署(EPA)一直在与中国国家环保总局合作,就如何进行工业和汽车排放监测、如何从污染源入手加强数据收集和如何强化监管等问题,向中国提供建议。

    The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has been advising Sepa on ways to conduct industrial and vehicle emissions monitoring , suggesting ways to collect better data at sources and strengthen regulations .

  17. 每一州为保护水质又规定了自己的标准这些标准起码要和美国环境保护署(epa)的规定同样严格并且通过发行排放权来监控这些污染源的排放量。

    Each state creates its own standards for water quality-these must be at least as stringent as those set by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) - and issues permits to regulate discharges from such sources .

  18. 雪佛龙正在与美国环境保护署(EPA)和加州空气资源委员会(CARB)合作,以使其生产的可再生燃料计入排放信用。

    Chevron is working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and the California Air Resources Board ( CARB ) so that the renewable fuel it produces would count toward emission credits .

  19. 水质政策及规划组〔环境保护署〕

    Water Policy and Planning Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]

  20. 应检附行政院环境保护署核发之同意文件。

    Approval from the Environmental Protection Administration , Executive Yuan is required .

  21. 地区污染管制办事处(市区东)〔环境保护署〕

    Local Control Office ( Urban East ) [ Environmental Protection Department ]

  22. 据环境保护署估计,鹿的最佳数量为60只。

    The Department of Environmental Conservation estimates the optimum population at 60 .

  23. 污水基础建设规划组〔环境保护署〕

    Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]

  24. 废物管理政策组〔环境保护署〕

    Waste Management Policy Group [ Environmental Protection Department ]

  25. 在实施“特级储备”的初级阶段,环境保护署对和解的态度发生了根本的改变。

    EPA 's approach to settlement changed radically during the early implementation of Superfund .

  26. 纽约环境保护署正在审查潜在水力压裂技术的影响。

    New York 's Department of Environmental Conservation is reviewing potential effects from fracking .

  27. 环境保护署署长获指定为西部缓冲区水质管制区的监督。

    The director of environmental protection is designated as the authority for the Western buffer water control zone .

  28. 这些事件有效促使美国国会成立环境保护署并通过了具有里程碑意义的《大气净化法》。

    These events were pivotal in motivating Congress to establish the EPA and pass landmark clean air laws .

  29. 环境保护署估计为了达到新的汞排放标准每年需要花费100亿美元。

    The EPA itself estimates that meeting the new mercury standards will cost businesses $ 10 billion a year .

  30. 美国环境保护署说通过嫁接种植强壮的植物能够减少杀虫剂的使用。

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency says producing stronger plants by grafting can reduce the needs to use pesticides .