
dōnɡ fēnɡ dài
  • easterlies
  1. 当冷的极地的空气下沉并且移动南方,受科氏力影响偏向右边,因此被称为极地东风带。

    The third wind belt develops as cold polar air sinks and moves south , is deflected to the right , and is therefore called the polar easterlies .

  2. 在热带,PKE的高值区位于西风区或弱东风区,PKE的低值区则位于强东风带。中纬度地区,对流层上层PKE随经度的变化与对流层下层是同位相的。

    In the tropics the high PKE is in the westerlies or the weak easterlies and the low PKE is in the strong easterlies . The Yili region is located in west Xinjiang , China , and is an intermontane basin in the Tianshan Mountains .

  3. 赤道西太平洋强东风带特征及其形成机制的诊断分析

    A diagnostic analysis of the characteristics of strong easterly belt and its formation mechanism over the western equatorial Pacific

  4. 对流层上层热带东风带上的高层辐散,对低层近赤道西风向北伸展起触发作用;

    The divergent flow field in the tropical easterly of the upper troposphere stimulates the northeastward stretch of the SEW .

  5. 中高纬的纬向西风带先增强后减弱甚至消亡,而低纬的东风带则一直减弱。

    Zonal west wind at high latitude becomes stronger and then weaker , but weaker all along for east wind at low latitude .

  6. 可见,梅雨期西太副高的短期东退受东风带扰动影响,其机制不仅表现在动力效应上,同时热力作用亦不可忽略。

    Therefore , the short-term eastward retreat of WPSA is influence by the EV , the mechanisms lie in dynamic effect and thermodynamic effect .

  7. 热带对流层上空东风带扰动影响西太平洋副热带高压的个例分析

    Case study on the impact of the vortex in the easterlies over the tropical upper troposphere on the sub tropical anticyclone over Western Pacific Ocean

  8. 此外,大尺度加热可以在西风带激发出定常波型扰动,而在东风带只能产生衰减型扰动。

    In the westerly current the stationary wave patterm disturbances may be excited by heating and in the easterly current decaying disturbances may be excited only ;