
  • 网络Eastern Market;Oriental Bazaar;Easter Bazaar
  1. 西方的公司正在为迎接来自东方市场的挑战作准备。

    Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets .

  2. 他认为,西方市场必须先稳定下来,东方市场才能企稳。

    He believes Western markets need to stabilise before Eastern markets can .

  3. 南非向中国出口的商品中,绝大多数是原材料。不过,包括酿酒业在内的其它部门也已经开始意识到东方市场的潜力之大。

    Raw materials account for most of South Africa 's exports to China but businesses in other sectors , including wine , are waking up to the potential of eastern markets , writes Richard Lapper .

  4. 里斯本作为东方香料市场胜过威尼斯。

    Lisbon outshone Venice as a mart for oriental spices .

  5. 然而,除了欧洲和美洲,东方的艺术品市场也在日益扩大。

    Besides Europe and america , however , there is now a growing market in the east .

  6. 东方食品进入西方市场难在何处&请看东西方学者的分析

    The difficulty of oriental food entering the western market

  7. 东方综合性人才市场

    Oriental comprehensive talent market

  8. 近三十年来,无论是东方还是西方,市场化都被作为经济制度改革的主要内容,几乎所有的国家都加入到市场化的改革中。

    Nearly three decades , both the East and West , marketization is the main content of economic reform ; almost all countries participate in market-oriented reforms .