
  1. 几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了。

    All the other wildlings for a hundred leagues have disappeared .

  2. 几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了卡斯特却依然在这稳如泰山

    All the other wildlings for 100 leagues Craster 's still here .

  3. 顺便说一句,里格学院(ReedCollege)的比例超过了普林斯顿(Princeton)或哈佛(Harvard)。

    The percentage from Reed College , by the way , is higher than from Princeton or Harvard .

  4. 巴黎夜店的老板本杰明•帕图在接受记者采访时称,这位“女伴”已经答应参加本周五晚间在市区里格洛博舞厅举办的派对,届时宾客将戴上仿照贝卢斯科尼制作的哑剧面具,以及AC米兰球队队员的彩带。

    Paris nightclub impresario Benjamin Patou told the reporters the escort had agreed to attend a party at the downtown Le Globo dancehall late Friday , where guests will wear Berlusconi pantomime masks and staff AC Milan strips .

  5. 论民族地区旅游社区参与主体的培育&以泸沽湖里格岛为例

    On the Cultivation of Tourism Community Participant in Ethnic Region

  6. 也让索恩走一千里格的远路…省得你和他再碰面.去吧,把你的剑放好

    And it puts a thousand leagues between you and Thorne . Now go and put your sword somewhere safe

  7. 万物皆有尽头红色荒原亦不例外几百里格之内所有的野人都消失了卡斯特却依然在这稳如泰山

    Everything ends , even the Red Waste . All the other wildlings for 100 leagues Craster 's still here .

  8. 研究了基于修正罗得里格参数的刚体卫星在控制输入受限时的姿态控制问题。

    The problem addressed is the modified rodrigues parameter ( MRP ) based attitude control for rigid spacecraft subject to control input constraints .

  9. 在弥林和瓦兰提斯之间横亘着五百里格的沙漠,山川,沼泽和废墟,加上曼塔里斯那不祥的声名在外:传言说那是魔鬼之城。

    Between Meereen and Volantis lay five hundred leagues of deserts , mountains , swamps , and ruins , plus Mantarys with its sinister repute .

  10. 对现代的音乐有杰出贡献的老资格美国作曲家中包括哈里斯、汉森、科普兰、汤姆森,皮斯顿、塞欣斯和里格等多人。

    Veteran American composers making important contributions to serious music include Roy harris , Howard hanson , Aaron copland , Virgil thomson , Walter piston , Roger sessions , and Wallingford riegger .

  11. “告诉他狗的名字是里格,”觉得自己的名誉加倍了亨利叔在电话的另一端喊道,声音当时听起来却有一丝衰弱。

    " Tell him the dog 's name was Rigo ," cried Uncle Henry , faintly and through static from the Other Side , when he thought his bona fides were doubted .