
  • 网络Ricardo;Riccardo;Daniel Ricciardo
  1. 她看见在金的宾馆房间周围窥探的那个人正是里卡多。

    Ricardo was the one she 'd seen snooping around Kim 's hotel room .

  2. 她走向码头,想着里卡多可能正藏在其中一条船上。

    She headed for the docks , thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats

  3. 年轻的意大利车手里卡多车佩林,已经确认,他是重新加入X射线小组于2009年。

    Young Italian buggy racer Riccardo Perin , has confirmed that he is rejoining the Xray team for2009 .

  4. 里卡多•巴博萨探长告诉BBC,马隆的保险箱里发现了700多张装在信封里的门票,且都清楚标明了是待售。

    More than 700 tickets organised in envelopes clearly marked for sale were found in a safe with Mr Mallon , Detective Ricardo Barbosa told the BBC .

  5. 厄瓜多尔外长里卡多•帕蒂尼奥(RicardoPatiño)在新闻发布会上坐在阿桑奇身边,他强调阿桑奇的“人权应该得到尊重”。

    Sitting alongside Mr Assange at the press conference , Ricardo Pati ñ o , Ecuador 's foreign minister , stressed that the Australian 's " human rights should be respected . "

  6. 准丽:啊,里卡多,是你啊。

    Zuly : Oh , Ricardo , it 's you .

  7. 里卡多证明了自己是世界最好门将当中的一员。

    Ricardo showed himself to be alongside the finest goalkeepers on the planet .

  8. 我的名字是里卡多从多米尼加共和国。我们有兴趣知道价格的移印机。

    We are interested in know the price of the pad printing machines .

  9. 迈克尔.巴拉克和里卡多.卡瓦略的受伤。

    The injuries to Michael Ballack and Ricardo Carvalho .

  10. 会面时,迪尔沃思和里卡多仍然是拐弯抹角的。

    At the meeting , both Dilworth and Riccardo were still pretty vague .

  11. 切尔西后卫里卡多。卡瓦略坚信切尔西能够反超联赛领头羊曼联。

    Chelsea defender Ricardo Carvalho insists they can overhaul Premiership leaders Manchester united .

  12. 里卡多会假装他被人挡着了。

    Ricardo is going to be as if he 'd been held up .

  13. 里卡多把他们的小女儿抱在怀里。

    Ricardo lifted their small daughter in his arms .

  14. 里卡多尽管受了伤,却仍要在星期六的比赛中上场。

    In spite of his iniury , Ricardo will plav in saturday 's match .

  15. 声音2:里卡多恳求医生帮助他的小女儿。

    Voice 2 : Ricardo pleaded with the doctors to help his little girl .

  16. 里卡多,感谢你能来参加我们的“皇家”系列节目。

    Ricardo , thank you so much for joining us on the'Real * 'series .

  17. 不不不。这里属于我的朋友里卡多。

    No. No , no , no. This establishment belongs to my friend Ricardo .

  18. 与波尔图的比赛也是后防大将里卡多-科瓦略与老东家的战斗。

    The Porto match will also see defender Ricardo Carvalho come up against his old club .

  19. 里卡多和卡菲埃罗一直公开地闹别扭,全城的人都知道此事。

    Riccardo and cafiero had been feuding so openly that the whole town knew about it .

  20. 声音2:里卡多和他的妻子从未放弃对女儿的希望。

    Voice 2 : Ricardo and his wife never gave up hope for their little girl .

  21. 里卡多:我打电话是想祝贺你宝宝的诞生。

    Ricardo : I wanted to call and congratulate you on the birth of your new baby .

  22. “在葡萄牙,许多人对我不感兴趣-我不仅仅想出国,”里卡多说。

    " In Portugal many people are not interested in me-I am only wanted abroad ," said Ricardo .

  23. 更多最新技术请咨询里卡多英国或者里卡多上海。

    For further details of recent technology on low friction , please contact Ricardo UK or Ricardo Shanghai .

  24. 此外,她还和很多奢侈品设计师合作过,包括“老佛爷”卡尔•拉格斐、杰瑞米•斯科特以及纪梵希的里卡多•堤西。

    She previously collaborated with luxury designers , including Karl Lagerfeld , Jeremy Scott and Givenchy 's Riccardo Tisci .

  25. 这位马赛队中场球员的射门被里卡多稳稳托出。

    The Marseille midfielder hit a drive from the edge of the box , which Ricardo palmed away to safety .

  26. 这使得安切洛蒂仅有两名前锋可用:里卡多奥利维拉和因扎吉,因扎吉还未能达到最佳健康状态。

    That leaves Ancelotti with only Ricardo Oliveira and Inzaghi , a man who is not in the best physical shape .

  27. 内饰的设计反映了获奖视觉获奖葡萄牙设计师妮妮安德拉德席尔瓦,该架构是由里卡多波菲尔领导。

    The interior design reflects the vision of award-winning Portuguese designer Nini Andrade Silva , the architecture is led by Ricardo Bofill .

  28. 里卡多。卡瓦略也被怀疑膝盖受伤,同样舍甫琴柯也的腹股沟伤势也只能让他作壁上观。

    Ricardo Carvalho is also a doubt with a knee injury and Andriy Shevchenko 's groin problem is likely to keep him out .

  29. 他的真名其实是里卡多•伊泽克森•多斯•桑托斯•雷特,但是他却有一个全世界都耳熟能详的昵称:卡卡。

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite , but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname : Kaka .

  30. 里卡多:我真同情你,但这样的日子很快就会过去,那时留下的全是美好的回忆。

    Ricardo : I really sympathize with you , but these days will pass quickly , and then you 'll have such great memories .