
  • 网络range anxiety
  1. “里程焦虑”是对于汽车续航不足以到达目的地、和因此导致的车内乘客被滞留的担忧。

    Range anxiety is the fear that a vehicle has insufficient1 range to reach its destination and would thus strand2 the vehicle 's occupants .

  2. 1997年9月1日,《圣地亚哥商业周刊》在报道美国通用汽车EV1电动车司机的焦虑时首次使用了“里程焦虑”这个词。

    The term range anxiety was first reported in the press on September 1 , 1997 in the San Diego Business Journal by Richard Acello referring to worries of GM EV1 electric car drivers .

  3. 这个词主要用在电动汽车领域,“里程焦虑”也被认为是纯电动汽车被广泛接受面临的主要障碍之一。

    The term , which is primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles ( BEVs ) , is considered to be one of the major barriers to large scale adoption3 of all-electric cars .

  4. 缓解电动车司机里程焦虑的主要措施包括:大范围安装充电设施;开发低成本高容量的电池、电池交换技术;在长途旅行中使用里程扩展器、准确导航和里程预测等。

    The main strategies to alleviate5 range anxiety among electric car drivers are the deployment6 of extensive charging infrastructure7 , the development of higher battery capacity at a cost-effective price , battery swapping8 technology , use of range extenders , accurate navigation and range prediction for long trips .

  5. 难怪他们会有汽车界所说的那种“续航里程焦虑”(rangeanxiety)。

    Small wonder they have what is known in the automotive world as " range anxiety . "

  6. 他们不会有里程焦虑症。

    They do not suffer from range anxiety .

  7. 然而,许多潜在买家仍有“里程焦虑”,即电动汽车在跑长途时需要中断行程进行充电。

    Yet many potential buyers still suffer from " range anxiety , " a wariness about having to interrupt a long journey while an EV 's battery is recharged .

  8. 如果充电站随处可见,而给电池充电只需要买一杯咖啡所需的时间,那么“里程焦虑”这一疾病最终将得到缓解。

    If stations are easy to find , and topping up batteries takes only the amount of time required to pick up a coffee , then the malady of range anxiety will at last be laid to rest .

  9. 同时,个数字也远低于业内预期,表明公众除了对电动汽车的续航里程深表焦虑外&比如在漆黑的乡间小路上突然没电了,也非常担心它的高额成本。

    That rate is well below industry estimates , suggesting that the public is wary of the high costs of EVs plus the dreaded range anxiety & running out of juice on a dark country road .