- 网络range anxiety

Range anxiety is the fear that a vehicle has insufficient1 range to reach its destination and would thus strand2 the vehicle 's occupants .
The term range anxiety was first reported in the press on September 1 , 1997 in the San Diego Business Journal by Richard Acello referring to worries of GM EV1 electric car drivers .
The term , which is primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles ( BEVs ) , is considered to be one of the major barriers to large scale adoption3 of all-electric cars .
The main strategies to alleviate5 range anxiety among electric car drivers are the deployment6 of extensive charging infrastructure7 , the development of higher battery capacity at a cost-effective price , battery swapping8 technology , use of range extenders , accurate navigation and range prediction for long trips .
Small wonder they have what is known in the automotive world as " range anxiety . "
They do not suffer from range anxiety .
Yet many potential buyers still suffer from " range anxiety , " a wariness about having to interrupt a long journey while an EV 's battery is recharged .
If stations are easy to find , and topping up batteries takes only the amount of time required to pick up a coffee , then the malady of range anxiety will at last be laid to rest .
That rate is well below industry estimates , suggesting that the public is wary of the high costs of EVs plus the dreaded range anxiety & running out of juice on a dark country road .