
  • 网络NAIAS;North American International Auto Show
  1. 汽车内饰件新产品开发流程管理及优化研究在更高层面上进行技术创新&从北美车展看汽车产品竞争方略

    The Process Management and Optimization Research on Automotive Interior Products Development Innovate in A Higher Level

  2. 在北美车展上发布的S90四门轿跑车将于今年夏季开售,起步价在4.7万美元左右(约合31万元人民币)。

    The S90 , a four-door coupe that was unveiled at the show here , will go on sale this summer with a base sticker of around $ 47000 .

  3. 很快,汽车业的目光就将聚焦到底特律,北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)即将在此盛大开幕。

    In less than 72 hours , the attention of the automotive world will laser in on Detroit , scene of the North American International Auto Show .

  4. 美国汽车行业创下销售记录,为那些规模最大的汽车生产商带来大笔收入。它们将资金投入研发新车型,并在本周举行的一年一度的北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)上进行展示。

    Record sales in the American auto industry have left the biggest carmakers flush with cash , which they are pouring into new models on display this week at the annual North American International Auto Show here .

  5. 丰田在一月底于底特律举行的北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)和一月初在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上都展示过一辆名为FCV的原型车。

    Toyota ( TM ) showed a prototype it calls FCV at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit last week and at the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas earlier in the month .

  6. 周二,在北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)公布林肯大陆的量产车型时,福特高管们表示,他们,他们不畏惧中国的经济问题,依然在推进相关计划。

    At the unveiling of the production version of the Continental on Tuesday at the North American International Auto Show , Ford executives said they were undaunted by the economic troubles in China and were pressing ahead with their plans .

  7. 底特律车展(如今的北美国际车展NAIAS)作为一个成功车展的典范,已经被其他的许多车展复制,仿效,模仿,并在其他的方面利用了。

    The Detroit Auto Show , now The North American International Auto Show ( NAIAS ), has been copied , emulated , modeled and otherwise used by many other shows as an example of a successful auto show .

  8. 尽管这件事三天前就已经公之于众了,但媒体直到今天才抓住它大做文章,因为今天正好是底特律北美国际车展正式开幕的第二天。

    Though the issue was first made public three days prior , the press latched onto the news today , one day after the official opening of the North American International Auto Show in Detroit .

  9. 大众汽车在1994年北美国际车展上推出了老款隆背车甲壳虫的全新概念版,可谓轰动一时,于是1998年再次投产了这款全新甲壳虫。

    Volkswagen unveiled the concept one revival of the original hump-backed beetle at the 1994 North American International Auto Show , and it created such a sensation that was put into production as the new beetle in 1998 .

  10. 2006年1月,北美国际车展在底特律柯柏球场拉开帷幕。当通用汽车公司总裁里克·瓦格纳走进展场时,所有人的焦点都集中到一个问题上:这个北美汽车巨头离破产还有多远?

    When Rick Wagoner , the chairman of General Motors , walked onto the floor of Detroit 's Cobo Hall in January 2006 , only one question seemed to matter to the assembled throng attending the North American International Auto Show : how soon would the giant American carmaker go bust ?