
  • 网络beijing daily
  1. 据《北京日报》报道,麻将已经被正式成为第六项国际智力运动项目。

    Mahjong has been named formally as a sixth international mind sport , reports Beijing Daily .

  2. 作者对北京日报报业集团印务中心的布局做了详细的阐述。

    The author expounds the overall arrangement of printing & service central of Beijing Daily Group Corporation in detail .

  3. 《北京日报》(BeijingDaily)报道称,最著名的京剧院之一梅兰芳大剧院,以往每年演出200场,今年前4个月才演了十几场。

    The Mei Lanfang Theatre , one of the most famous venues for Beijing opera , had barely more than 10 shows in the first four months of this year , compared with 200 annually in previous years , according to Beijing Daily .

  4. 《北京日报》报道说,通州的房价自四月中旬以来下跌了13.4%。

    In Tongzhou , prices have fallen by13.4 % since mid-April , according to the Beijing Times .

  5. 通过《人民日报》(海外版)、《北京日报》、《神州学人》杂志、《留学生》杂志等媒体解读政策。

    Policy explanations are published in People 's Daily Overseas Edition , Beijing Daily , China Scholars Abroad , and Overseas Educated Scholars .

  6. 北京日报周三从铁道部一匿名途径获知,豪华座位正在从子弹头火车中移除。

    Beijing Daily quoted an anonymous source from the railway sector on Wednesday as saying that luxury seats are being removed from most of the bullet trains .

  7. 一名口译员在接受《北京日报》采访时表示,像乔菲那样闭上眼睛、手里不拿笔而进行同声传译是不太可能的。

    An interpreter told Beijing Daily that it 's unlikely Qiao is able to do simultaneous interpreting with her eyes closed and no pen in her hand .

  8. 人民文学出版社在北京日报上说了中文版的哈利波特在10月15日发行。

    The People 's Literature Publishing House plans to launch the official Chinese version of the new book Oct.15 , the Beijing Daily Messenger newspaper reported Sunday .

  9. 一位82岁的亿万富翁为其远在中国西北陕西省的故乡訾家河村的所有村民建起了新的公寓楼。北京日报报道。

    An82-year-old billionaire has built new apartment buildings for all the villagers in his hometown of Zijiahe Village in northwestern China 's Shaanxi Province , the Beijing Daily reports .

  10. 据《北京日报》报道,近日,北京市出台了餐馆菜单英文翻译参照版本,对2158道菜品的英文名称进行了规范。

    Beijing has published a book offering official guidance on the translation of Chinese restaurant menus , featuring prope English translations for 2158 Chinese dishes , the Beijing Daily reported .

  11. 《北京日报》报道,在今年夏季高考中,考生被要求,除外语科目外,“一律用现行规范汉语言文字答卷”。

    Students to take this summer 's college entrance exams are required to write their answers in " contemporarily standard Chinese language , " with the only exception for exams on foreign languages , Beijing Daily reported .

  12. 蔡曾经是北京日报副总编,他说视频提供者应该对其该视频负责,并呼吁企业制作更多的原创内容。

    Cai , a former deputy editor-in-chief at the conservative Beijing Daily newspaper , said that content providers would be held accountable for oversight of online TV shows and also called on companies to produce more original content .

  13. 无论是什么形式的选秀节目,它们不过是一天下来的尽兴节目,王磊在接受《北京日报》采访时表示,电视台对于艺人签约与宣传的垄断阻碍了乐坛的发展。

    No matter what form they take , talent shows are just shows at the end of the day , Wang told Beijing Daily recently . The monopoly of TV stations in signing and marketing artists is suffocating the industry .

  14. “这是英国足球的踢球方式”,杜伊告诉《北京体坛日报》的记者。

    " That 's the style of English soccer ," Dujkovic told the Beijing sports daily Titan .

  15. 他是北京新闻日报的主编,去年十一月出版《漂亮的动物》。

    He is an editor at the popular Beijing News daily and his book Fanciful Animals was published last November .

  16. 北京青年日报还报道,草原,岛屿和远足地点成为今年最受欢迎的旅游目的地

    Grasslands , islands and hiking spots have become popular destinations this year , according to a Beijing Youth Daily report .

  17. 所以我替他保管银行卡。胡晶晶今年28岁,在北京的一家日报社做编辑。

    " So I took his bank card ," said Hu , a 28-year-old editor at a daily newspaper in Beijing .

  18. 本文通过翔实的调查获取数据,从市场营销、财务分析等角度论证了一个投资项目&北京《地铁专递日报》的可行性。

    On the basis of complete and accurate field survey and data analysis , this paper demonstrates the feasibility of investing in Beijing Subway Daily from the aspect of marketing and financial analysis .