
  • 网络NASCAR;FSC;JSAE;MountPanoramaMotor-Racing
  1. 安妮:第一次世界汽车大赛什是么时候举行的?

    Annie : When was the first world auto race held ?

  2. 销售量的严重下降已经迫使本田公司退出了享誉全球的一级方程式汽车大赛。

    And that steep downward trend for the manufacturer has forced it to pull out of the glitzy world of Formula One racing .

  3. 在动态项目占据大量比重的中国大学生方程式汽车大赛的比赛中,良好的操纵稳定性表现是赛车取得好成绩的有力保障。

    Dynamic projects occupy a large proportion of the Chinese Formula car race game , good handling and stability performance is a strong guarantee for the racing car to achieve good results .

  4. 2006星车相映专业汽车模特大赛

    2006 Star & Car Model Contest

  5. 相反的,他们在参加全国性的汽车重新设计大赛。

    Instead , they 're competing in a nationwide contest to redesign the cars .

  6. 它虽然与现代汽车比赛大不相同,但激动人心的程度并不亚于现代汽车大赛。

    It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting .