
  • 【经】car sales
  1. 汽车销售收入近来缩水了。

    Sales income of cars has shrunk recently .

  2. 基于ASP的汽车销售管理平台的研究

    Research of Automobile Sale Management Platform Based on ASP

  3. jdpower将其对2008年中国汽车销售增幅的预测值调降至10%,而此前几年,销售增幅一直是两位数。

    JD power cut its forecast for 2008 sales growth to 10 per cent after several years of double-digit growth .

  4. DL公司商用汽车销售人员激励制度设计

    The DL Corporation Commercial Auto Sale Personnel Incentive System Design

  5. 然后利用OLAP服务完成对汽车销售的多维数据集进行分析和展示。

    Then use OLAP service to build of multi-dimension data analysis and display about car sales .

  6. 现在继续Agavi学习,为这个WASP(Web汽车销售平台)示例应用程序添加更多功能。

    Now continue your Agavi education and add even more functionality to the sample WASP ( Web Automotive Sales Platform ) application .

  7. 还是在七月,美国丰田汽车销售公司(ToyotaMotorSalesintheU.S.)的轻型车销量超过了福特公司&这也是在它经销商数量少得多、且皮卡销量也远不如对手的情况下。

    Also in July , Toyota Motor sales in the U.S. sold more light vehicles than Ford Motor Co. & again despite having far fewer dealers and selling far fewer trucks .

  8. 环球透视公司上海分析师JohnZeng表示,1月份的销售情况反应了美国汽车销售的锐减,而不是中国需求的激增。

    The January sales figures show a collapse of US car sales rather than a surge in Chinese demand , said John Zeng , a Shanghai-based analyst with Global Insight .

  9. 与传统的内置全球定位系统(GPS)装置不同,OnStar要依赖于蜂窝网络,而驾驶员在有紧急需求或者需要方向指引时可以使用该网络联系汽车销售代表。

    Unlike traditional in-dash GPS units , OnStar relies on a cellular network that drivers can use to contact representatives for emergency services or directions .

  10. 市场已“开始好转”,通用汽车销售分析师迈克迪乔瓦尼(mikedigiovanni)表示。

    The market is " starting to make a turn for the positive " , said Mike DiGiovanni , GM sales analyst .

  11. 印尼三林家族(Salim)控制着从汽车销售到当地肯德基(KFC)特许经营权的相当大一部分经济。该家族在苏哈托(Suharto)独裁时期取得垄断的磨面许可,由此打造起印多福公司。

    Indonesia 's Salim family , which built Indofood after obtaining a monopoly licence to mill flour under the Suharto dictatorship , controls large parts of the economy from car distribution to the local KFC franchise .

  12. 这些汽车销售模式究竟孰优孰劣,是近几年来业界争论的焦点,特别是曾一度在西方各主要工业化国家盛行的汽车4S模式,前几年在我国汽车零售行业备受推崇。

    People in this industry have been discussing on whether these cars sales modes are actually excellent or not , especially the 4S mode which was once popular in the main western industrialization countries and worshipped in car retail in China a few years ago .

  13. 研究机构IHS中国汽车销售预测部门负责人林怀滨认为,上述刺激措施朝提高中国车辆报废率迈出了第一步。中国目前报废车辆占登记车辆总数的比例约为3%,远低于美国约8%的报废率。

    Lin Huaibin , manager for China vehicle-sales forecasts at research firm IHS considers such incentives ' a start ' toward increasing the scrappage ratio in China , which currently stands at around 3 % of total registered vehicles , considerably less than the U.S. rate of around 8 % .

  14. 蒂姆继续一次又一次地领导泰迪汽车销售。

    Tim went on to lead tidy car again and again .

  15. 从表面上看,中国的汽车销售势头似乎很强劲。

    On the surface , auto sales in China seem strong .

  16. 就汽车销售而言,2011年刚刚过去的几个月内发生了诸多事件。

    2011 has already been an unusually eventful year for auto sales .

  17. 通用和福特同时公布,十月份汽车销售情况有所改善。

    GM and Ford reported better car sales for October .

  18. 汽车销售员的信任度为8%。

    Eight percent of respondents said they trusted car salesmen .

  19. 汽车销售物流联盟的构建与优化研究

    Research on Construction and Optimization of Automobile Distribution Logistics Alliance

  20. 基于汽车销售组织结构上的分解组合算法研究

    Studies of decomposition and combination arithmetic based on automobile sell organization structure

  21. 汽车销售促进效果模型研究

    A Modeling Study of the Effectiveness of Sales Promotion for A Car Dealer

  22. 汽车销售分析与预测系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Analysis and Forecast System for the Distribution of Car

  23. 东莞某汽车销售店设计

    The design of a car selling shop in Dongguan

  24. 中国汽车销售融资研究

    The Research on Auto - Sales Financing in China

  25. 经济下滑迹象刚刚显露,汽车销售就会下滑。

    At the first sign of a business downturn , auto sales swoon .

  26. 你听说过那个关于旧汽车销售人员的笑话么?

    John : Did you hear the joke about the used car salesman ?

  27. 异构环境下汽车销售系统数据集成平台的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Car Sale Systems Data Integrated Platform in Heterogeneous Environment

  28. 尽管经济衰退,汽车销售仍然上升了5%。

    In spite of the recession , car sale be five percent up .

  29. 行业高管们认为,短期内汽车销售没有出现放缓的迹象。

    And executives see no signs of car sales slowing any time soon .

  30. 利用该模型,本文在汽车销售服务流程中对客户需求进行了设计。

    With this model , customer requirements are redesigned in automobile service process .