
  • 网络Automobile assembly line
  1. 鉴于双边装配线的复杂性及汽车装配线的特殊性,本文采用了与位置权重值(RPW)相结合的信息素综合启发式搜索机制以及前后处理模块分开的程序设计方法。

    Given the complexity of bilateral assembly line and the particularity of the automobile assembly line , we use a heuristic search mechanism of pheromone Combined with the Ranked Positional Weight ( RPW ), and the program design method as separate processing module before and after .

  2. 由于装配系统仿真对象复杂以及传统仿真方法难以建立装配系统的仿真模型,因此该文提出运用面向对象的理论建立汽车装配线的可视化虚拟仿真系统。

    In this paper , due to the complex characteristics of assembly simulation system and the defects of the traditional simulation method , visual simulation system of automobile assembly line is presented based on the object-oriented theory .

  3. 首先将汽车装配线简化为一个FlowShop问题,并建立其混合整数规划模型,以求得使各装配工位的准备成本和空闲时间尽可能少并尽可能满足产品需求的粗生产计划。

    First of all , an automobile assembly line is simplified into a flow shop , its mixed integer programming model is formulated to obtain a rough production plan by minimizing the overproduction , underproduction , set up and leisure time .

  4. 玻璃钢车身的适用性汽车装配线的控制系统

    THE APPLICABILITY OF GFRP VEHICLE BODY Control System of Truck Assembly Line

  5. 混合品种汽车装配线平衡与排序问题研究

    A Study of Balancing and Sequencing Problems of Mixed-model Automobile Assembly Lines

  6. 汽车装配线生产计划与调度的集成优化方法

    Approaches to Integrated Optimization of Production Planning and Scheduling on Automobile Assembly Lines

  7. 新型汽车装配线的开发

    Development of New Assembly Line for Automobiles

  8. 汽车装配线的控制系统

    Control System of Truck Assembly Line

  9. 汽车装配线的不平衡会严重影响汽车的装配质量和效率。

    The imbalance of Automobile assembly line will seriously affects the quality and efficiency of vehicle assembly .

  10. 然后,本文采用蚁群算法求解汽车装配线第一类平衡问题。

    Third , this paper proposes ant colony algorithm to solve the car assembly line balance problem .

  11. 当汽车随着装配线开始移动时,一个活跃的RFID标签将传递它的位置。

    As the automobile moves along the assembly line , an active RFID tag transmits its location .

  12. NKR型汽车前桥装配线的重组与优化设计

    NKR Front Axle Assembly Line Rearrangement and Modification

  13. 汽车混流装配线的仿真研究

    Research on Simulation of Automobile Mixed Model Assembly Line

  14. 汽车装配生产线手工搬运作业的工效学分析

    The Application of Ergonomics-based Manual Material Handling Evaluation in SGM Vehicle Assembly Line

  15. 汽车发动机装配线质量信息管理系统设计

    Research and Development of Quality Information Management System of Assembly Line of Automobile Engine

  16. 本文介绍一种用于汽车装配生产线的玻璃涂胶型机器人工作站。

    This paper presents a robot station of spray glue for car glass used to car assembly line .

  17. 为了有效地管理整个装配过程,进行了汽车发动机装配线质量信息管理系统的研究与设计。

    In order to effectively manage the process of assembly , the Quality Information Management System ( QIMS ) of Assembly Line of Automobile Engine is researched and designed .

  18. 本文的目的就是研究汽车混流装配线的建模方法和仿真机制,研究混流装配线系统的规划仿真框架和仿真实现。

    The main purpose of the thesis is to find better modeling method and simulation mechanism of assembly line system , and how to set up simulation framework and how to realize .

  19. 重点研究了规划仿真环境的实现,包括对象类的建立,从结构、功能、信息和控制等角度对汽车混流装配线进行统一的面向对象的仿真建模;

    Thirdly , it is especially analyzed how to build object-class in simulation system , to carry on unified object-oriented modeling for the automobile mixed model assembly line in terms of structure , function , information and control , etc.

  20. 一汽红塔汽车内饰装配线生产效率低,表现为工人的具体操作复杂、作业等待时间长、没有规范的操作流程、装配线不平衡。

    The automobile interior trim assembling line in FAW-Hongta Yunnan Automobile Co. , Ltd. is of low productivity , reflected in the complexity of the concrete operation of workers , long waiting time in the operation , lack of standardized operation processes , and unbalanced production line .

  21. 汽车转向器装配线的可编程控制器(PLC)控制

    The PLC control of the assembly line for automatic steering axle

  22. 现场总线与Ethernet在汽车柔性装配生产线中的应用研究

    Application of Field Bus and Ethernet in Flexible Assembly Production Line of Trucks

  23. RFID产品识别及信息处理在汽车离合器装配生产线中的应用

    The RFID-Based Product Identification And Information Processing in the Auto Clutch Assembly Line

  24. 基于Em-Plant汽车后桥装配线系统建模与仿真技术研究

    Study on Simulation and Modeling Technology of Automobile Rear-Axle Assembly Line System Based on Em-Plant

  25. 1913年10月福特汽车公司开创装配线生产法。

    In October 1913 , Ford Motor Corp. originated the manufacturing assembly line .

  26. 汽车变速器装配线的可视化仿真系统研究

    Research on visual simulation of automobile gearbox assembling line

  27. 可重组汽车电机装配生产线中的工位信息采集系统

    A Data Collection System Applied in Assembling Line That Based on Reconfigurable Manufacturing System

  28. 汽车总装配主产线质量实时统计和控制系统的设计与开发

    The design and development of real - time quality statistic and control system for automobile final assembly line

  29. 完善和优化D汽车公司混流装配线物料供应体系,并进而对线边库存进行控制。

    The purpose of this paper is to improve and optimize the Mix-mode assembly lines supply system in D Motor Company , thus on the line side inventory control .

  30. 以某汽车变速器装配生产线为研究背景,应用多Agent制造机理实现装配线的柔性和重构问题。

    Assembly line for automotive transmission was made as research background , and multi agent manufacturing philosophy was applied to implement this goal .