
quán lì xià fàng
  • Decentralization;delegate power to the lower levels;transfer power to a lower level;devolution of administrative power to lower levels;shift of power to the grassroots
权力下放[quán lì xià fàng]
  1. 财政大臣很清楚,必须保证权力下放原则得到贯彻执行并使之奏效。

    The chancellor knows that the principle of subsidiarity must be guaranteed and shown to work .

  2. McLean说,为了克服这类制约因素,应该与国家和地方政府同时进行类似的讨论,以推动和鼓励正确的权力下放。

    To overcome such constraints , parallel discussions may have to be held with both national and local government to promote and encourage proper decentralization , says McLean .

  3. 权力下放的思想及其实践

    On the Thought and Practice of Transferring Power to Lower Levels

  4. 权力下放过程中人事制度改革对卫生人力素质与结构的影响研究

    Impact of Personnel Reform on Health Human Resources under Decentralization Policy

  5. 权力下放对这一事实能够做出的变更是有限度的。

    Devolution can do so only much to alter that fact ;

  6. 权力下放中央对地方权力下放。

    A transfer of powers from a central government to local units .

  7. 政府一向怕把权力下放给办学团体。

    The government was always reluctant to release power to lower bodies .

  8. “限制”类产业和行业项目的权力下放

    Power delegation involving industries and sectors in the " Restricted " category

  9. 加大权力下放是解决方法,但不是不惜代价。

    More devolution is the answer , but not at any price .

  10. 这是与当初立法权力下放的初衷是想背离的。

    This is deviate from purpose of legislative decentralization that it expected .

  11. 中国于20世纪80年代中期开始在卫生系统实施权力下放。

    China has implemented decentralization policy in health sector since mid 1980s .

  12. 将政治和经济权力下放和分散到各地区

    To decentralize and geographically disperse political and economic power

  13. 权力下放对乡镇卫生院卫生人力资源管理的影响研究

    Impact of Decentralization Policy on Health Human Resource Management in Township Health Centers

  14. 国际卫生改革中权力下放的主要形式

    Major Methods of the Decentralization in International health reform

  15. 中央政府面临日益增加的压力,要求把权力下放给各地区。

    Central government is facing growing pressures to devolve authority on the regions .

  16. 权力下放影响了政府的每一个部门,包括兽医服务单位。

    Decentralization has affected almost every sector in the government , including veterinary services .

  17. 预计参与性疫病监测和应对系统将会解决权力下放带来的挑战。

    The PDS / R system is envisaged to address the challenges of decentralization .

  18. 大多数苏格兰人都赞成一个中央权力下放的自治苏格兰或完全独立。

    The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence .

  19. 将权力下放给地方及地区的方法。

    The methods by which authority can be devolved to local and regional communities .

  20. 但是作为第一步,管理人员需要克服权力下放的恐惧。

    As a first step , managers need to overcome the fear of losing control .

  21. 乐观主义者认为自己是在把权力下放;而他们的同事则认为这是在否认令人不快的现实。

    Optimists think they delegate ; their staffers think they deny work 's unpleasant realities .

  22. 权力下放的广泛实施对卫生人力资源管理及整个卫生系统产生了深远的影响。

    Decentralization has potential impact on health human resource management and the whole health system .

  23. 所谓“权力下放”,就是对上级派给你的助手要人尽其才。

    Delegating means making the best possible use of that new assistant they 've assigned you .

  24. 英国政府已经将一些重要的权力下放给苏格兰和威尔士。大规模移民已经发生。

    Weighty powers have been devolved to Scotland and Wales . Mass immigration has taken place .

  25. 回过头来看,权力下放丝毫未能阻止工党在苏格兰的长期衰落。

    In retrospect , devolution did nothing to halt the secular decline of Labour in Scotland .

  26. 它扩大了村委会(权力下放中最小的政府形式)的权利。

    It has given greater power to village councils , the most decentralized form of government .

  27. 第三,你得将一部分权力下放;但这并不是说你就什么责任都没有了。

    Thirdly , you delegate ; but you do so without actually absolving yourself of all responsibility .

  28. 改革后的管理更注重效果,管理层面减少,权力下放,企业职工参与性更高。

    Management became results-focused , flatter and more distributed , with great participation by the work force .

  29. 这一权力下放的数据收集甚至能迫使政府安分守己地坚持可持续发展。

    Such decentralized data collection could even force governments to stay on the sustainability straight and narrow .

  30. 他说,财务权力下放和社区参与的增加实现了高效率的服务和资源利用。

    He says financial decentralization and increased community participation has led to efficient services and use of resources .