
xīn miàn kǒnɡ
  • new face
  1. 随着硅谷(SiliconValley)大型创业型企业保持非上市企业身份的时间超出以往任何时候,一类新面孔正日益为人们所熟悉:研究分析师。

    As Silicon Valley 's biggest start-ups stay private for longer than ever before , there is a new face that is becoming an increasingly familiar sight : the research analyst .

  2. Eleanorwaldorf这位是能够打动Bendel's的新面孔

    Laurel : Eleanor Waldorf meet the new face of Waldorf for Bendel 's.

  3. 今晚在这儿见到一些新面孔真是太好了。

    It 's nice to see some new faces here this evening .

  4. 多亏了披头士乐队,市场上的新面孔获得了很多机会。

    Thanks to the Beatles , a lot of opportunities were opened up to new faces on the market .

  5. 此次提名唯一的新面孔是HBO的《真探》(TrueDetective)。

    The category 's sole newcomer was HBO 's ' True Detective . '

  6. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)毫不费力就更换了一位总理,但仅凭新面孔并不能创造就业或繁荣。

    It costs King Abdullah little to replace one prime minister , but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity .

  7. 现在,加速器大军中又出现了一家新面孔:迪斯尼公司(Disney)宣布推出自己的加速器项目,项目总部将位于洛杉矶。

    Add another one to the list today : Disney has announced its own accelerator , to be based in Los Angeles .

  8. Eleanorwaldorf这位是,能够打动Bendel's的新面孔。

    Laurel : Eleanor waldorf , Meet the new face of waldorf for bendel 's. -

  9. TheLoseYourself”的创作者与HipHop的新面孔相互竞争,包括Drake,Future,KendrickLamarandPostMalone。

    The Lose Yourself hitmaker was up against the newer faces of hip hop , including Drake , Future , Kendrick Lamar and Post Malone .

  10. 曾俊华(JohnTsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。

    John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .

  11. 今天下午,在工厂的游园会上,我看到了很多精神奕奕、精力充沛的新面孔,从这里我看到了KRRP在2009年及今后的光明未来。

    This afternoon , on the factory campus fete , I saw a lot of new faces , fresh-up and energetic , from which I can see the bright future of our KRRP in2009 and beyond .

  12. 空手而归的艺人们当中,有不少是初次入围格莱美的新面孔,其中包括流行歌手与唱作人梅根·特莱诺(MeghanTrainor)和霍奇尔,他的真名是安德鲁·霍奇尔-伯恩(AndrewHozier-Byrne)

    Among those who went home empty-handed were a cohort of fresh faces up for their first Grammys . Those included the pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor and Hozier , whose real name is Andrew Hozier-Byrne .

  13. 据相关人士透露,考威尔和其他制片人正在与FOX台商讨代替布兰妮和雷德的评委人选事宜。黛米·洛瓦托(DemiLovato)有望重返此节目,和其他新面孔一起加入考威尔坐镇的评委席。

    Cowell and fellow producers are discussing replacements for Spears and Reid and will be conferring with Fox , said a person who is familiar with the situation but lacked authority to comment publicly and insisted on anonymity.Demi Lovato is expected to return as a panelist , joining Cowell and the newcomers .

  14. 在陌生的地方认识新面孔很有意思。

    It 's fun to meet new people in new places .

  15. 为了替自己创造新面孔。

    Treadwell 's need to invent a new persona for himself .

  16. 谁会成为本赛季全明星的新面孔呢?

    Who are the candidates to be first-time All-Stars this season ?

  17. 我为我的摄影项目在搜索新面孔。

    I am searching for new faces for my photography projects .

  18. 你从哪里来?你是新面孔。

    Where do you come from ? Your face is new .

  19. 我发现那里有很多的新面孔。

    I see a lot of new faces out there .

  20. 我们这儿不经常见到新面孔。

    We don 't see a new face among us that often .

  21. 第四季中出现的一批新面孔也让观众眼前一亮。

    Season four also dazzles viewers with an array of new faces .

  22. 自然地,新面孔带来了一条成长曲线。

    As is natural , with new faces comes a learning curve .

  23. 上课第一天我们看到许多新面孔。

    We saw many new faces on the first day of classes .

  24. 你父亲身边有新面孔吗?

    Was there anybody new in your father 's life ?

  25. 洛伦佐是玫瑰镇警局的新面孔之一

    Lorenzo is part of Rosewood PD 's fresh perspective .

  26. 你应该找找新面孔

    When you should be looking for a new face ,

  27. 旅行者在独自旅行的途中会遇到很多新面孔。

    A traveler comes across plenty of new faces while at it alone .

  28. 他们有一些新面孔加入这家历史悠久的球队。

    There have been several new faces added to the historical Juventus group .

  29. 办公室里有一些新面孔。

    There are some new faces in the office .

  30. 每天打开门做生意我们都能看到新面孔。

    Every time that door opens we 're seeing new faces every day .