
  • 网络news;Latest News
  1. 新闻消息与更深层趋势之间的区别极其重要。

    The distinction between news and deeper trends is crucial .

  2. 《南京日报》黄记者在接到新闻消息后,匿名对此事进行了报道。

    " the Nanjing Daily " Reporter Huang after receiving the recent news , anonymous to this matter has carried on the report .

  3. 简短的新闻消息(通常一句话很微小)。

    A brief ( usually one sentence and usually trivial ) news item .

  4. 而且这绝对是2009年没有再好的新闻消息。

    And that is a hell of a good piece of news for2009 .

  5. 在可能的情况下签署新闻消息

    Sign news messages , when it is possible

  6. 与公司及公司解决方案相关的新闻消息。

    A rich information dedicated to the journalists about the company and the solutions .

  7. 总结新闻消息的期刊。

    A periodical that summarizes the news .

  8. 在发送邮件或新闻消息之前,必须在“邮件和新闻”首选项中指定返回地址。

    Before sending mail or news messages , you must specify a return address in mail and news preferences .

  9. 可能会上网,看看第二天早晨可能刊登的,那些新闻消息。

    I might go online look at some of the news stories that would in the paper the next morning .

  10. 新闻消息称美国和欧洲主要股指变化浮动较大,而亚洲市场则是更高。

    Key stock indexes in the U.S. and Europe advanced on the news , while markets in Asia were mostly higher .

  11. 显然,当读者读到有争议的新闻消息的时候,停下来花几分钟时间思考一下:或许相反的解释不无道理,这样才是更明智的做法。

    Apparently , it pays for consumers of controversial news to take a moment and consider that the opposite interpretation may be true .

  12. 我们就是这样在一个巨大的结构上处理各种消息的,我们告诉你所有发布新闻消息的地点。

    From a macro level , that 's what we do for news . We tell you about all places that are reporting news .

  13. 日本朝日新闻消息称,4部由人类和人工智能共同完成的参赛作品中,有一部通过了第一轮筛选。

    The Asahi Shimbun reports that one of four books co-written by an AI program made it past the first stage of the contest .

  14. 例如银行、股票交易所和政府等重要部门大都通过国内外门户网站提供存款利率、股票报价、新闻消息等重要信息。

    For instance , banks , stock exchanges and government departments mostly provide important information such as deposit interest rates , stock quotes and news through domestic and international portals .

  15. 一幕幕政治花招真能使他看入迷了:总统竞选活动中的勾心斗角,尔虞我诈;对新闻消息的幕后操纵、公开发表和有意透露,以及公开和秘密的谈话。

    He was fascinated by the political processes & the wheeling and dealing of presidential politics , the manipulating , releasing and leaking of news , the public and private talks .

  16. 通过微博,用户可以获取即时的新闻消息,参与社会热点话题的讨论,分享自己的见闻感受,关注朋友的最新动态。

    Through microblog , user could get the instant news , participate in the discussion of hot social topics , share own seeing , listening and feeling with others and acquire the latest information of friends .

  17. 电视短片涵盖了长度在30分钟之内的非新闻消息、非纯文艺的电视作品,具有明显的栏目化、社会化、时代性、综合性等艺术特色。

    Short telefilm contains TV works of non-new and message and non - pure literature and art in 30 - minute length , with artistic characteristics of obvious column , socialization , era , and comprehension etc.

  18. 通过阅读报纸,我们可以接触到各种各样的文章,比如消息,社论、特写、广告等,其中新闻消息占到了报纸报道内容的一半以上。

    Reading news paper , we have to deal with all kinds of articles , such as news , editorials , features and advertisements , among which the amount of news occupies more than half of the page space .

  19. 国庆节当天将会迎来乘车高峰,据新闻消息称,10月1日铁路系统将运送850万人次,而去年的这个数据是829万人次。

    The travel peak will fall on Oct 1 , the National Day , when the railway system will carry 8.5 million passengers , up from 8.29 million on the same day last year , it said in a news release .

  20. 前台主要功能是获取后台新闻消息显示在网站首页,中心简介、领导介绍、机构设置、动态新闻、通知公告、网上咨询、网上评议、表格下载、审批事项和全文搜索等等。

    The functions of forward are to acquire background news appeared as home page , Introduction , Leader of the , Institutional setup , News , Announcement , Online Consultation , Online Review , Forms , Subject to approval and search full text .

  21. 马拉先生在谈到脸书在用户新闻消息方面所做的工作的时候,他说:“我们想说的是'我们认为你连接的任何内容都会是你最想读的东西。'”

    In Facebook 's work on its users " news feeds , Mr. Marra said , " we 're saying , ' We think that of all the stuff you 've connected yourself to , this is the stuff you 'd be most interested in reading . ' "

  22. 本文通过对历年荣获中国电视新闻消息类一等奖作品的分析,从现场短新闻的内涵、现场画面的视觉冲击、主题的提炼、新闻标题等方面进行阐述,从中感受电视现场短新闻的魅力。

    Through a careful analysis of China TV news first prize winners over the years , the author senses the charm of the brief spot coverage from their connotation , the visual shock caused by the pictures of the scene and the refinement of the topics and headlines .

  23. 有线新闻波士顿消息,欢迎收看今天的Sci-techToday。

    Now from the Boston Museum of Science , Sci-tech today , on NECN .

  24. NPR新闻华盛顿消息,我是诺拉·劳姆。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Nora Raum .

  25. NPR新闻华盛顿消息,我是路易丝·斯齐亚沃尼。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Louise Schiavone .

  26. NPR新闻华盛顿消息,我是杰克·施皮尔。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Jack Spier .

  27. NPR新闻华盛顿消息,我是温莎·约翰斯顿。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Windsor Johnston .

  28. 安东尼·库恩,NPR新闻雅加达消息。

    Anthony Kuhn , NPR news , Jakarta .

  29. 创建一个新的邮件或新闻组消息

    Create a new mail or newsgroup message

  30. 获取新的邮件或新闻组消息

    Get new mail or newsgroup messages