
diǎn dēnɡ
  • Lighting;light a lamp;lit up
  1. 如果你的家没有足够的窗光,就多点灯,让这个地方充满光明。

    If your home doesn 't have enough window light , get more lamps and flood the place with brightness .

  2. 点灯人需要在黑暗中找到他的妹妹

    The Illuminator must find his sister in the dark .

  3. 首先出现的是新西兰和澳大利亚的点灯人。

    First would come the turn of the lamplighters of New Zealand and Australia .

  4. 于是就又轮到俄罗斯和印度的点灯人了。

    After that would come the turn of the lamplighters of Russia and the Indies ;

  5. 小王子瞅着他,他喜欢这个点灯人如此忠守命令。

    As the little prince watched him , he felt that he loved this lamplighter who was so faithful to his orders .

  6. 点灯还被视为带来光明、知识、永恒,驱走黑暗、无知和死亡。

    Lighting2 lamps and candles during the festival is also considered auspicious3 by bringing light , knowledge and eternal life from darkness , ignorance and death .

  7. 小王子怎么也解释不通:这个坐落在天空某一角落,既没有房屋又没有居民的行星上,要一盏路灯和一个点灯的人做什么用。

    The little prince was not able to reach any explanation of the use of a street lamp and a lamplighter , somewhere in the heavens , on a planet which had no people , and not one house .

  8. 在给你们讲点灯人的时候,我就不那么忠实,很可能给不了解我们这个星球的人们造成一个错误的概念。

    I have not been altogether honest in what I have told you about the lamplighters . And I realize that I run the risk of giving a false idea of our planet to those who do not know it .

  9. 北极仅有一盏路灯,南极也只有一盏;唯独北极的点灯人和他南极的同行,过着闲逸、懒散的生活:他们每年只工作两次。

    Only the man who was in charge of the single lamp at the North Pole , and his colleague who was responsible for the single lamp at the South Pole -- only these two would live free from toil3 and care : they would be busy twice a year .

  10. 双灯并联YAG激光机有两套点灯电路。

    The YAG Laser with parallel double lamps have two lamp feeding circuits .

  11. 作为手提能源计划,Kennedy发明了一种既能点灯又能充电的手提包。

    Known as the portable light project , Kennedy created a bag that is both a light and a power source .

  12. 短弧UHP灯在常规点灯条件下存在随机的电弧不稳定性,导致在投影屏幕上亮度闪烁。

    Short arc UHP lamp has random arc instability under normal burning condition . this results in brightness flicker phenomenon in projection system .

  13. 外部为无源空节点方式时,由IBP内的电源模块提供指示灯的点灯电源;

    When the external entity is of the passive null node , lighting power of the indicator will be provided by the power module within the IBP itself ;

  14. FPD模组制造过程的面板点灯检测除基础的光电响应量测外,还包括寿命及画质缺陷检测,如点、线、mura、异物等缺陷。

    FPD module manufacturing process panel lighting detection based on the photoelectric response measurement , including life expectancy and quality of defect detection , such as points , line , mura and other defects .

  15. 三方向出站点灯电路的特殊处理

    The Special Disposing for Lighting Circuit of Three Direction Starting Signal

  16. 从鲸鱼头里取出的油用来点灯。

    Oil from the whale 's head is burned in lamps .

  17. 我们还没有点灯,天黑了。

    We haven 't got a lantern . it 'll get dark .

  18. 今年点灯节缅甸是否放大灯?

    Will Burma 's great lights be released this year ?

  19. 我知道,我需要他,一直到星星点灯,苍穹燃烧。

    I know I 'll need him till the stars all burn away .

  20. 勇气,是不点灯,摸黑上床。

    Courage is going to bed without a nightlight .

  21. 像你这么大的年纪,放炮的、点灯的。

    Children as young as you are fire a gun or take lamps .

  22. 夜里点灯带来的间接好处是有了安全感。

    An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety .

  23. 铁路信号点灯智能监测系统设计

    Design of railway signal lighting & monitoring intelligent system

  24. 常用高压钠灯点灯电路中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion of Several Questions in the Circuit of Normal High Pressure Sodium Lamps

  25. 白昼点灯并非节约良策。

    It is not good economy to burn daylight .

  26. 是该点灯的时候了。

    It , s time to light up .

  27. 信息光源的点灯控制线路

    Control of Operation Circuit for Information Light Sources

  28. 我们把桐子榨油来点灯。

    We used oil squeezed from seeds of tung trees to light our lamps .

  29. 煤油被用来点灯。

    Kerosene was used to light lamps .

  30. 在耶和华面前点灯,是照耶和华所吩咐他的。

    Lighting the lights before the lord , as the LORD had given him orders .