
  • Comment;Yelp
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  1. 今天晚些时候,美国最大点评网站Yelp公司(Yelp)的首席执行官杰里米•斯托普曼将出席参议院反垄断立法小组委员会(udiciarySubcommitteeonAntritrustinvestigating)调查谷歌公司是否存在反竞争行为的会议。

    Later today , yelp CEO Jeremy stoppelman will appear in a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on antritrust investigating whether Google is being anti-competitive .

  2. 我们可以打开点评网站Yelp查看好友如何评价街边新开的咖啡厅,到在线音乐服务网站Spotify,让好友帮我们挑选音乐,或者与好友一起玩社交游戏公司Zynga开发的游戏。

    You can now go to yelp to find out what your Facebook friends say about the new coffeehouse down the street , visit spotify to let them pick music playlists for you , or play Zynga games with them .

  3. 教授对他的论文随口点评了几句。

    The professor made some casual remarks about his paper .

  4. 据KMOV报道,这条新规定在社区引起争议,顾客点评网站Yelp上关于布林顿抵制口罩的评论可以追溯到2020年8月,疫苗对公众开放之前。

    The new rules have caused controversy reviews regarding Bullington 's anti-mask viewpoint could be traced back way to last August before the vaccines were available to the public .

  5. 消费者点评网Angie’sList工程部总监杰夫•罗杰斯的回答

    Answer by Jeff Rogers , Director of Engineering at Angie 's List

  6. 我知道“大众点评”上的花边新闻,我背后还有一个叫WolframAlpha的牛叉算法。

    I know nifty tidbits from yelp and Wolfram Alpha .

  7. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志就这款应用采访了这家公司CEO比坦,谈到了这款应用与其它在线点评网站相比有哪些特点,以及在线点评业务的前景。

    Fortune interviewed CEO bittan about the app , how it compares to other review sites online , and the future of online reviews .

  8. 主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容ApplePay的最新版APP。

    Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer Dangdang.com have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users .

  9. 他的Facebook好友或同事会给予一些点评:这个部位需要更多的塑身,那里最好减少些多余的脂肪。

    His Facebook audience are friends or fellow enthusiasts who offer a minute appraisal of body parts : more toning needed here , trim the excess fat there .

  10. 照片分享应用公司Instagram和商铺点评网Yelp(Yelp)的创始人都在此列。

    That could include founders of companies such as instagram and yelp ( yelp ) .

  11. Craigslist风格的58同城(58.com)以及送餐应用美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)。

    the Craigslist-style 58.Com ; and food delivery app Meituan-Dianping .

  12. 詹姆斯•艾伦•菲戈是美国本地服务点评网站Angie’sList的撰稿人兼摄影师。对他而言,摄影就是一场不断取得惊喜的练习。

    James Alan Figy , the staff writer and photographer at Angie 's List in the US sees shooting film as an exercise in surprising oneself .

  13. 另一位CBC解说员斯科特•拉塞尔为麦克唐纳的不当点评在电视节目中道歉。

    Scott Russell , another CBC commentator , issued an on-air apology for MacDonald 's remarks .

  14. ·点评网站Yelp聘用了一位名为罗伯•克罗里克的新财务总监,他曾任房地产企业MoveInc的财务总监。

    Yelp has a new CFO in rob krolik , who held the same position at the real estate-focused company , move Inc. ( yelp )

  15. 评委点评:阿特拉斯风险投资公司(AtlasVenture)合伙人杰夫o法干问道:“你们打算直接通过电子商务和零售商卖出多少张桌子?”

    Judge 's critique : " How many desks do you plan to sell directly via e-commerce and via retailers ? " asked Jeff Fagnan , an Atlas Venture partner .

  16. 多亏了Facebook和点评网站Yelp,高地风险投资公司的目标也许已经实现了,但它仍然是我们计算博诺收益时要考虑的一个因素。

    It probably got there , thanks to Facebook and yelp ( yelp ) , but it should still be factored into the equation .

  17. 第三章介绍和点评国际海关组织、APEC、NAFTA等国际组织的贸易便利化工作。

    Part III analyzes trade facilitation work in International Customs Organization , APEC , and other international organizations such as the CEPA .

  18. 分析师称,这个功能在比较式搜索方面可以与点评网站Yelp和商务社交网站LinkedIn等网站相媲美。

    Analysts say the new feature could compete with sites such as Yelp and LinkedIn in terms of comparative searches .

  19. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapitalManagement)在美团和大众点评两家公司的几乎所有融资回合中都有投资,该公司以及包括阿里巴巴和腾讯在内的其他股东将成为重大受益者。

    Sequoia Capital Management , which has been an investor both in Meituan and Dianping in almost all of their financing rounds , will be a big beneficiary , along with other stakeholders including Alibaba and Tencent .

  20. 哈佛商学院(Harvardbusinessschool)副教授迈克尔o卢卡2011年发表的一篇论文称,一家餐馆在点评网站Yelp上的排名每增加一颗星,收入就会提高5%到9%。

    Michael Luca , an assistant professor at Harvard Business School , released a 2011 working paper that found that a one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5-9 % increase in revenue for restaurants .

  21. 腾讯则入股中国第二大电商平台京东(JD.com),以及一些适应移动时代的企业,如餐馆点评网站大众点评网(Dianping)和韩国游戏开发商CJGames。

    Tencent has taken a stake in JD.com , China 's second-largest ecommerce platform , and mobile-friendly companies such as restaurant review site Dianping and South Korea 's CJ Games .

  22. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员一直推动中国一些最大的互联网公司的商业模式,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴出行。

    Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country 's largest internet companies including Alibaba , Meituan-Dianping , as well as Didi Chuxing .

  23. 而这番点评将她与小甜甜布兰妮(BritneySpears)、米莎•巴顿(MischaBarton)和阿曼达•拜恩斯(AmandaBynes)归到了一类。

    That puts her squarely in the company of Britney Spears , Mischa Barton and Amanda Bynes .

  24. 利用ASP和COM技术,开发计算机课程网上作业管理系统,通过Web方式,学生可以完成提交作业,教师可以批改作业并给出点评。

    Using the ASP and COM technology to develop a Web homework manage system for the computer class , students can be finish and submit their homework , teachers can be reading their student 's homework and give a remark .

  25. 腾讯旗下新闻门户网站腾讯科技(QQTech)周二发布了一系列PPT幻灯片,据说是美团-大众点评的路演资料。

    QQ Tech , a news portal owned by shareholder Tencent , posted a series of PowerPoint slides on Tuesday that were said to be from the company 's roadshow .

  26. 这个星期初,关于猪流感的新闻,对新电影&《StarTrek》的点评及关于放松对汽车销售商的限制的报道都是免费获取的。

    Earlier this week , it offered for nothing a story about swine flu , a review of the new " Star Trek " film and a report on looming cuts at car dealerships .

  27. 要知道,当时可没有Zagat或Yelp这类餐厅点评服务,所以母亲只能冒昧地向陌生人求助。

    With no Zagat or yelp on the scene back then , my mom resorted to cold calling .

  28. 2017年全球最大的5笔风险投资交易中,有3家都是投的中国公司:滴滴(共享出行app)、美团点评(电商平台)以及头条(新闻资讯阅读器)。

    Of the top five global VC deals in 2017 , three were Chinese companies : Didi ( a ride-sharing app ) , Meituan-Dianping ( an e-commerce platform ) , and Toutiao ( a news feed reader ) .

  29. 根据Deutsch的流量数据显示,确实有很多人参与了这一活动:约319000人访问了ShootMyTruck网站,在Twitter或Facebook上转发和点评约10000次。

    Plenty of people did participate , based on the traffic numbers from Deutsch : about 319,000 people visited the shoot my truck site , and posted about the event on Twitter or Facebook about 10,000 times .

  30. 本文系统的介绍了CPL系统的工作原理、运行特点,点评了国内外已制造投入研究的CPL实验系统。

    This thesis introduces the operation principles and characteristics of the CPL system , and evaluates the CPL systems that have already been made and put into study .