
  • 网络journalism history
  1. 政治文化视角与近代新闻史研究

    Political Cultural Perspective and the Studies of Modem Journalism History

  2. 口述史:新闻史研究的一种新路径

    Oral History : A New Approach to Journalism History Research

  3. 关于重庆新闻史研究的几点思考

    Reflection About the Study of the History of Journalism of Chongqing

  4. 媒介生态学:中国新闻史研究的新路径

    Media Ecology : the New Research Way of Chinese Journalistic History

  5. 1949年以来的中国新闻史研究及其反思

    Research and Reflection on the History of Chinese Journalism Since 1949

  6. 走过威权:台湾新闻史报业研究的四个取径

    Through Authoritarian Regime : The Four Approaches of Taiwanese Newspaper Industry

  7. 古代罗马社会新闻史简论

    On the Communication of the News Information in the Ancient Rome Society

  8. 要读的都是新闻史上留名的大部头。

    It was all tomes on the history of journalism .

  9. 储安平是中国新闻史上的重要人物之一。

    Chu Anping is one of the important figures in Chinese journalism history .

  10. 从世界新闻史来看,也一直都有虚假新闻出现。

    From the world history to see there are always appear false news .

  11. 美国新闻史中的失实新闻

    The False News in the History of American Press

  12. 从媒介中心观看美国新闻史研究

    A Study in American Media History from Mediocentric

  13. 中国近代新闻史研究三题

    Three Subjects of Chinese Modern Journalism History Study

  14. 从历史贡献研究到职业认同研究&新闻史人物研究的一种新视角

    From Historical Contribution to Professional Identity : a New Perspective in Researches of Journalists

  15. 黄远生在中国新闻史上是一个开启新闻本位时代的重要人物。

    " Huang Yuansheng " is the first political journalism of the Chinese press .

  16. 从《太原新闻史》看档案信息的处理

    History of Taiyuan News and Archival Information Processing

  17. 就世界新闻史来说,也是一部稀有的历史遗产。

    In terms of world news career , it was also rare legacy of history .

  18. 《报刊的四种理论》对新闻史研究方法和视角的启示

    The Enlightenment of Four Theories of the Press on Journalism History Research Methods and Perspectives

  19. 然而在新闻史领域对这一特殊历史背景中的主角、对中国新闻事业的发起者们的描述却是少之又少。

    However , in the field of journalism history the description of them is very few .

  20. 在中国新闻史上,胡政之以重视媒介的经营管理而著称,但其经营的根本目的不是为了赢利,而是为了保障新闻职业的独立自主。

    The fundamental purpose of his management was not for profit , but to protect journalistic independence .

  21. 20世纪中国新闻史研究

    A Review of Studies in the History of 20 ~ ( th ) - century Chinese Journalism

  22. 在评述近代新闻史三种研究视角的基础上,提出从政治文化视角研究中国近代新闻史的思路。

    This paper puts forward the idea to study modern Chinese journalism history in political and cultural perspective .

  23. 横向比较是新闻史研究中一个重要但往往被人们忽视的视角。

    The importance of a comparative approach is often neglected in the study of the history of journalism .

  24. 最后,该研究力求能够对新闻史资料进行充实和完善。

    Last but not least , this study also is expected to enrich the document of the Chinese news history .

  25. 范长江是中国新闻史上以写新闻通讯而著名的记者,也是在我国通讯史上具有承上启下地位的历史人物。

    Fan Changjiang is one of the famous reporters in the news history of China who wrote the news communication .

  26. 因而本文在一定意义上可以作为外国新闻史,以及外国战地记者研究的一个补充。

    So in a sense , it can be used as a foreign history , and foreign journalists a complementary study .

  27. 一些新闻史研究学者根据前人诗话和笔记认为唐代出现过雕版印刷的报纸。

    Some of the history of journalism researchers based on predecessors Poetry and notes that the Tang Dynasty woodblock printing newspapers .

  28. 官报作为现代报纸的原始形式,一直受到新闻史研究者的重视。

    The official press as the original form of the modern newspaper , has been the history of journalism researchers ' attention .

  29. 作为新闻史上一个特殊的新闻现象,黄色新闻一直为学界业界所关注。

    As a special news phenomenon in the history of journalism ," yellow journalism " has being the focus of educational circles .

  30. 中国近代新闻史研究既要注重史料的考释,又要侧重学理的阐述。

    When studying Chinese modern journalism history , we should lay stress on making textual criticisms and explanations of scientific principle as well .