
  • 网络propaganda
  1. 论理论宣传的时代任务、特征和基本规律

    Tasks , Traits and Basic Rules of Theory Propaganda

  2. 试论报纸理论宣传的改革创新

    On Reform and Innovation of Paper 's Theory Propaganda

  3. 文化大区的建设要有充分的理论宣传和广泛的社会认同。

    The construction of it needs both sufficient theoretic propaganda and extensive social identification .

  4. 谈提高理论宣传的社会效益

    On Social Benefits of Raising Theoretical Propaganda

  5. 提出了加大农村教育投资和市场经济理论宣传,提升农民市场经济理念;

    Increasing investments on rural education ;

  6. 三要培养一支政治强、业务精、作风硬的理论宣传工作者;

    Three must raise a politics to be strong , service essence , attitude hard theoretical propaganda worker ;

  7. 必须从理论宣传、制度架构、社会生活引导三个层次上构建新型财富伦理的着力点,培育新型财富伦理的生长点。

    Meanwhile , new-style wealth ethics can be construct and cultivate from three levels : 1.theories publicizing 2.systems constructing 3.social livelihood guiding .

  8. 理论宣传必须发挥其指导性,发挥对社会、对人们的舆论导向作用。

    Theoretical propaganda must give play to its directive function , give play to directive function of public opinion for society and people .

  9. 但多年的理论宣传和学术研究将其教条化、凝固化,没有从整体上认识马克思主义。

    But the years of propaganda theory and research made its dogmatic , solidified , and it resulted in no overall understanding of Marxism .

  10. 因此必须从理论宣传、法律建设、组织保证和科学技术等几方面建立一个良好的运行机制,以确保这一重大改革的顺利进行。

    To ensure this system to be fulfilled smoothly a better system is to be established in such aspects as theory , law and scientific technology .

  11. 这四个主体在构建社会主义和谐社会中具有重要地位,发挥着重要作用。因此,必须通过理论宣传、法律规范、道德约束和舆论引导来加强对社会主义和谐社会主体的培育。

    So , theoretical explanations , legal norms , ethic engagements and media are considered as proper approaches to cultivate the subjects of the socialist harmony .

  12. 党校在建设马克思主义学习型政党中起着理论宣传与思想教育作用,思想库作用和学习平台作用。

    Party in the construction of Marxist theory of learning party plays the role of propaganda and ideological education , the role of think tanks and the role of learning platforms .

  13. 其次要认识到自身转型的紧迫性,即要注重向三贴近知识分子转型,做到学术研究与服务实践相结合、学术研究与理论宣传相结合。

    Second , the intellectuals must recognize the urgency of their own transformation , that is , they must focus on being the intellectuals with " three principles of being-closed-to-the-practice ", combining the academic research with practice , academic research with theoretical propaganda .

  14. 党校作为社会主义理论宣传阵地更要适应时代发展要求,努力开创信息化建设的新局面,把党校办成具有现代化教学、科研、管理手段一流的马克思主义理论阵地。

    As a socialist theoretical publicity front , the Party school should keep pace with the times , create a new situation in IT application , and turn the school into a Marxist theoretical front with modernized teaching facilities and first - rate scientific research and management tools .

  15. 新时期高校校报应在理论宣传、舆论引导、精神塑造等方面强化育人功能,做到以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人。

    University journals should strengthen the function of educating people in aspects of the propaganda of theories , the guidance of consensus , the building of morality , etc so as to educate people with scientific theories , guide people with advanced consensus and nurture people with loyal morality .

  16. 科学发展观视野的中特理论体系宣传创新研究

    The Scientific Concept of Development in the Special Theory of Vision System and Its Innovative Outreach

  17. 6游泳理论知识宣传。

    Swimming theory knowledge propaganda .

  18. 运用公关理论加大宣传力度提高档案的地位和作用

    To Improve the Archives ' Status and Function by Using the Theory of Public Relations to Strengthen Propaganda

  19. 但他对资产阶级理论的宣传,在当时产生了深刻的影响,推动了中国社会的进步。

    However , his introduction of bourgeois ideology had exerted a profound effect and pushed China 's society forward .

  20. 他积极提倡改良最易与民众沟通的戏剧艺术形式,提出新的理论以宣传反清思想,从而鼓动民众进行社会革命。

    Energetically he called for amending the drama form which was the easiest way to communicate with the masses . Moreover , he advanced new theory and publicized anti-Qing Idea so as to encourage the people to fight .

  21. 最后,要关注女子高等院校的发展,充分发挥女子高校在培养女性人才、研究妇女理论、宣传马克思主义妇女观和男女平等基本国策方面的基地作用。

    Finally , attention should be paid to female higher education development and bring its role into full play in cultivating women talents , studying women theories , and publicizing female view of Marxism & basic national policy of gender equality .

  22. 为了巩固马克思主义在我国的指导地位,党在十七大报告中明确提出:开展中国特色社会主义理论体系宣传普及活动,推动当代中国马克思主义大众化。

    In order to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in China , the party put forward clearly : " We will publicize the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics , and take Marxism of contemporary China to the general public . " in the 17th party congress report .

  23. 钢琴作为舶来文化,在清末教育改革中随着中国师范教育的建立、学堂乐歌以及美育理论的宣传,顺理成章的走入中国的高等学府,并且一直在高等师范音乐教育中占有重要的地位。

    With the establishment of China higher teacher-education in the educational reform at late Qing Dynasty , and the publicity of school music and aesthetic education , the piano , a musical instrument from abroad , entered the institutes of higher learning and has been occupying a significant place .

  24. 建设一支高素质的马克思主义理论研究和宣传队伍;

    Building a high quality rank to research and propagandize Marxism ;

  25. 功能理论在旅游宣传材料汉英翻译中的运用

    Employment of the Functional Concept in the Chinese-English Translation of Tourist Materials

  26. 他是维新变法运动的主要领导者之一,又是变法理论的主要宣传鼓动者。

    He is one of reform political reform movement main leaders , is also a main propaganda agitator of political reform theory .

  27. 抗战时期延安的马克思主义理论学习与宣传研究综述

    Summarization of the researches on the learning and publicity of Marxist theories in Yan'an during the War of Chinese Resistance against Japanese Invasion

  28. 党的十七大明确提出在新的历史时期中不断开展中国特色社会主义理论体系的宣传普及活动,推动当代中国马克思主义大众化。

    The Seventeenth Party pointed out clearly that we must carry out The Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory of Popular Activities of the system , China has been pushed forward The Marxism popularity in the new historical period .

  29. 最后从加强基础理论研究和宣传教育、建立自然环境资源核算制度、由征收环境资源税逐步过渡到环境资源使用费及完善现有措施等方面提出了自然环境资源实行有偿使用的对策措施。

    The steps fo carry out the paid use policy include further study of basic theory , publicity , the establishment of the accounting system of environment and natural resources , gradual transition form imposing tax to levying fee for the use of environment and natural resources .

  30. 进行马克思主义民族语文理论、政策的宣传;

    Publicizing Marxist theory and policy about the work of national languages ;