
  • Financial Products;WMP;QDII
  1. D证券公司J理财产品的市场营销策略研究

    The Studies on the Marketing Strategy of the J Financial Products of Securities Company

  2. 通过大量样本的验证测算证实了指标体系的可用性,可按照SharpRatio等指标对理财产品进行排序和选择。

    Measured by a large number of samples , availability of these indicators is confirmed . Sharp Ratio and other indicators can be used to sort and select bank personal financial products .

  3. 上周六,中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBankCorp.)也对向互联网理财产品转账设定了额度,成为最近一家采取此类措施的大型银行。

    On Saturday , China Construction Bank Corp. became the latest of the major banks to impose limits on transfers to mobile products .

  4. 中信集团本身也是出售理财产品和其他非标信贷工具的活跃渠道,主要是通过中信银行(CiticBank)。

    Citic Group is also an active conduit for the sale of WMPs and other non-standard credit instruments , mainly through Citic Bank .

  5. 文章主要用VAR方法度量理财产品风险,并从定量、定性两个角度进行风险管理。

    This dissertation mainly uses VAR as a way to measure the financial product risks , and then manage the risk from the qualitative and quantitative ways .

  6. 运用现代先进的风险度量方法,即VAR法来衡量商业银行个人理财产品的利率风险。

    3 , it uses modern advanced risk measurement techniques , that is , the VAR to measure the interest rate risk of personal financial products by commercial banks .

  7. 并依据Black-Scholes模型、二叉树模型和蒙特卡罗模拟对结构性理财产品的定价问题进行了深入的研究。

    And conducted in-depth research according to Black-Scholes model , binomial model and Monte Carlo simulation on the pricing of structured products .

  8. 中国保险公司现在已被允许投资于高收益理财产品、信托产品和资产支持证券(abs)这些都属于中国目前利润更高但风险也更大的资产类别。

    Chinese insurers will now be allowed to invest in high-yielding wealth management and trust products as well as asset-backed securities , some of the more profitable but also riskier investments available in China .

  9. 这两家私人股本公司加入花旗银行(citibank)、东亚银行(bea)和汇丰(hsbc)等银行的行列,获得了提供人民币理财产品的资格。

    The two private equity firms join banks such as Citibank , Bank of East Asia and HSBC in their ability to offer Renminbi products .

  10. 瑞信(creditsuisse)数据显示,各金融机构通过理财产品管理的资产规模去年年底飙升至约12.5万亿元人民币,是2009年的逾两倍。

    Assets under management accounted for by wealth management products at various financial institutions surged to about RMB 12.5tn at the end of last year , more than twice the level in 2009 , according to Credit Suisse .

  11. 结构性产品(StructuredProducts)是近三十年来国际金融领域最重要的金融创新工具之一,中国自2001年首次以外汇结构性存款的形式开始了针对境内个人的结构性理财产品的试点发行工作。

    Structured Products are one of the most important financial innovations for the past three decades in the field of international finance . Since 2001 , China has embarked on structured financial products pilot issuance for domestic individuals in the form of currency structured deposits .

  12. 在北京东城区中国光大银行(ChinaEverbrightBankCo.)一家分行里,一位现年65岁的北京居民称,他正在寻找有吸引力的理财产品收益率,他目前投资的理财产品将在6月30日到期。

    At a Chinese Everbright bank branch in Beijing 's Dongcheng district , one 65-year-old Beijing resident said he was keeping his eyes open for attractive rates on wealth-management products , for when his current WMP investment matures on June 30 . '

  13. 并通过Delta-Gamma-Vega对冲法和VaR风险价值法等对银行结构性理财产品风险管理开展了研究。

    And research was undertaken through the Delta-Gamma-Vega VaR risk hedging method and the value of law on banks and other major methods of risk management structured products .

  14. 第四部分为结构型理财产品的实证分析,选取两种结构型理财产品进行B-S模型和蒙特卡洛模型方法进行模拟定价。

    The fourth part is the empirical analysis of the structured financial products . Two structured financial products are selected to pricing analysis by the Black-Scholes model and Monte Carlo simulation .

  15. 阐述了VAR的含义,指出了商业银行在运用VAR模型衡量个人理财产品的利率风险时,要注意两个因素的选取:一是时间间隔,二是置信水平。

    The section defines the VAR and draws the attention of commercial banks to the selection of two factors when they adopt VAR model to measure the interest rate risk of personal financial products . The two factors are time interval and confidence level .

  16. 本文从分析KODA合约的本质及其相关法律关系入手,得知KODA实质上是一种风险极高的金融衍生理财产品,纠纷产生的重要原因之一就是因为我国对金融衍生理财产品缺乏有效的监管。

    This paper analyzes the essence of the contract and the legal relationship . In fact , KODA is a high risk of product derived from financial .

  17. 研究表明,基于AR(2)-GARCH(1,1)模型的VaR方法可以较好的对债券类人民币理财产品的收益率进行风险度量,因而利用VaR方法度量人民币理财产品收益率的波动性是可行的。

    The research shows that : Based on the AR ( 2 ) - GARCH ( 1,1 ) model of the VaR method can be used to describe the risk of the RMB financial products yield , and using it to measure the volatility of financial products yield is feasible .

  18. 但中国银监会(CBRC)表示,预计2007年全年销售总量将达1万亿元人民币,原因是有更多的理财产品面世,同时客户将资金从生息的定期存款中转出。

    But the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1000bn by the end of the year as more products became available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits .

  19. 第二章主要阐述了理财产品设计的理论基础与相关模型,包括生命周期理论、客户细分理论、资本资产定价模型、套利定价模型、B-S模型等。

    The second chapter primarily focuses on the financial product design theories , and relative models , including life-cycle theory , customer segmentation theory , capital asset pricing model , arbitrage pricing model and " B-S " model .

  20. 收益率高于传统单位银行存款的理财产品(WMP)和其他非标信贷工具,是由房地产开发商、煤炭矿商或其他第三方发行的。

    Wealth management products ( WMPs ) and other non-standard credit instruments , which offer higher yields than traditional corporate bank deposits , are issued by property developers , coal miners or other third parties .

  21. 结合当时的宏观经济形势,我们认为此款理财产品具有较高的潜在风险,建议投资者谨慎选择。(2)中银进取10005A产品主要对应看金价温和上涨的市场预期。

    When combined with the macroeconomic situation , we believe that this product has higher potential risk , and we recommend investors choose carefully . ( 2 ) " BOC ahead 10005A " mainly correspond the price of gold " moderate increase " .

  22. 证券投资基金是最典型的集合理财产品。

    Securities investment fund is the most typical collective financing product .

  23. 银行应自主开发理财产品。

    Banks also have to develop their own wealth management products .

  24. 我国个人金融理财产品选择与风险控制问题研究

    Study on Individual Financial Managing Products and Risk Control of China

  25. 第三部分分析银行理财产品创新动因。

    Part III analyzes the motivation of financial product innovation .

  26. 这个水平比类似期限的理财产品收益率要高。

    That is higher than wealth-management products of similar duration .

  27. 为此,文章对基金理财产品进行了详细介绍和分析。

    Therefor this paper mainly introduces the fund products in financial market .

  28. 在这样的背景下,商业银行个人理财产品应运而生。

    In this context , the personal financing products came into being .

  29. 我国的理财产品市场近几年发展迅速。

    In recent years , financial product market are growing very rapidly .

  30. 通过银行销售的第三方理财产品另当别论。

    Third-party products sold through banks are a different matter .