
  • 网络psychological adjustment;mental adjustment;Psychotherapy
  1. 六,心理调节能力,人对社会环境的适应能力。

    Six , ability of mental adjustment , a person 's ability to adapt to their social environment .

  2. 在大学生消费道德教育的实现系统中,我们着重探讨了实践教育法、网络渗透法、以问题为中心的教育方法、心理调节法等教育方式。

    In the realization system , we discuss many education methods , including the practicing method , the internet leading method , the question-center method and mental adjustment method .

  3. 青少年跳远运动员赛前的心理调节

    Analysis the psychological adjustment of the juvenile jumpers into effect

  4. 田径运动竞赛裁判员的心理调节

    Psychological adjustment of referees in track and field events

  5. 类固醇敏感性肾病综合征患儿的健康相关生活质量和社会心理调节

    Health-related quality of life and psychosocial adjustment in steroid - sensitive nephrotic syndrome

  6. 针对这些问题,本文提出相应的心理调节方法。

    Aiming at these problems , this article presents corresponding psychological adjustment methods .

  7. 心理调节在跳高比赛中的应用

    The Application Of Psychological Adjustment In High Jump

  8. 健美训练中的心理调节

    Psychological Regulation in the Training of Body Building

  9. 心理调节下放慢呼吸脑电图功率谱能量变化

    Changes in EEG Spectrum During Slowing Down of Respiration Rate Induced by Psychological Adjustment

  10. 火场心理调节与心理训练

    Psychological adjustment at fire site and psychology training

  11. 试论秘书的自我心理调节

    On the Self-psychological Adjustment of a Secretary

  12. 浅析太极拳对现代大学生心理调节的作用

    A brief analysis effect of taijiquan on the adjustment of modern university students ′ psychology

  13. 体育运动中的情绪特征及心理调节

    On emotion characteristics and adjustment in sports

  14. 长期血透病人抑郁障碍相关因素调查及心理调节

    Study on depression factors and mental control in chronic renal failure patients with maintenance hemodialysis

  15. 体育锻炼与学生心理调节

    Physical Exercise and Students ' Psychological Diseases

  16. 尤其是心理调节,可以让被动写作的写作主体获得更多的主动性。

    Especially the psychological adjustment , can let a passive writing subject to obtain more initiative .

  17. 应激基因家族及其表达谱的行为心理调节:机制与意义

    Mechanisms meaning of the stress-response gene family their expression profiles being up-regulated by human mental-behavioral activities

  18. 希望通过心理调节,你能正确对待类似情况,使自己身心愉快。

    The hope passes psychological adjustment , you can handle similar case correctly , make him invigoration .

  19. 本文力图从对大学生的人生导向、行为引导、心理调节等方面,对此加以阐述。

    This paper deals with some aspects of college students such as lead of life , behaviour and psychological adjustment .

  20. 疾病不确定感是患者疾病经历中的重要组成部分,它可以显著影响患者的心理调节和适应能力甚至疾病的结局,增加患者在患病过程中的压力。

    As a major component of the illness experience , uncertainty can dramatically affect psychosocial adaption and outcomes of disease states .

  21. 我已经学到了不少,特别是场上场下的心理调节。

    I 've learnt so much during that time , particularly the importance of mental strength on and off the pitch .

  22. 斋戒是一种心理调节运动,分为散斋与致斋两种。

    Fast is a sport of mind-adjusting , which can be categorized into two parts ; low fast and high fast .

  23. 首先,公务员要保持良好的心态,一方面及时进行自我心理调节,另一方面共同营造一个健康的现实环境;

    Firstly , civil servants should keep a good mental state , regulate psychology by themselves and establish together a healthy social environment .

  24. 其中有一类“自”字真实地反映出诗人的自我心理调节系统。

    The word " ego " has abundant connotations and various usages , one of which reflects vividly the poem ′ s self-adaptability .

  25. 研究结果表明:应用系列有效的措施如开展糖尿病教育、心理调节以及完善医疗保健制度,可以改善患者心理质量,提高生存质量。

    So that we should consider developing health education , building psychoanalysis and completing medical health administration to improve psychological quality of the patients .

  26. 本文论述了宗教心理调节的多重性功能,阐释了宗教心理调节的两重性思考,并对宗教心理调节进行了多维度分析,揭示了宗教心理调节功能的现代社会价值。

    This paper analyses the psychological regulation multifunction of religion and its dual nature , and the modern social value of psychological regulation function .

  27. 病人常用的自我管理方法包括按时服药、坚持锻炼、饮食调节、注意休息、心理调节等。

    The common self-management methods for hypertension patients included regular medicine intake , exercise , diet regulation , relaxation , and psychological adjustment , etc.

  28. 文章从科学发展观的角度出发,探讨语言力学里的关于语言力和心理调节之间的关系。

    This paper inquires into the relation between linguistic force and psychological mediation in Linguistic Mechanics , starting from the viewpoint of scientific development .

  29. 对于如何构建社会矛盾的预防机制,本文认为应建立四个方面的相关机制,即协调机制、预警机制、心理调节机制还有治安防控机制。

    This paper suggests that we should establish four related mechanisms : coordination mechanism , early warning mechanism , psychological adjustment mechanism and security mechanism .

  30. 腐败者的心理调节机制。必须利用法律规制寻租行为,法律规制的理念在于建立法治政府、有限政府、阳光政府、廉洁政府和高效政府。

    The idea of legal regulation includes building of law-ruled government , transparent government , power limited government , uncorrupted government , and government with efficiency .