
  • 网络heart controlling blood circulation;heart
  1. 本论文从肺阳行津与心阳行血之间的相互为用关系,探讨了肺主行水与心主血脉的生理病理相关性及其临床意义。

    From the interaction between the lung yang regulating body fluid and heart yang regulating blood , this article explored the physiological and pathological relationship between lung regulating the metablism of body fluids and heart controlling blood circulation and clinical meaning .

  2. 肺主行水与心主血脉相关性的研究

    The Research of Relationship Between Lung Regulating Metabolism of Body Fluids and Heart Regulating Blood Circulation

  3. 从心主血脉、心主神志理论出发治疗心血管病可取得满意疗效。

    Treatment of angiocardiopathy from the viewpoint of " heart governs the blood " and " heart governs mind " theories got satisfied effect .

  4. 心主血脉,心藏神,心与运动员运动时的血液循环和意志品质密切相关。

    From the theory of " heart governs the blood , the heart storing spirit ", heart is closely related to the athletes ' blood circulation will and character .

  5. 在病理状态下,脑与五脏的关系则为:1.心主血脉失常,则心不主神明,进而影响到脑。

    In pathologica conditions , the relationship between brain and viscera were : 1.Heart controlling the blood disorders , heart not governing , then affects the brain . 2 .

  6. 而肺主行水、心主行血又分别与肺阳、心阳的作用紧密相关,故心肺之阳在联结肺主行水与心主血脉的关系中起着重要的作用。

    Meanwhile lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood have close relationship with lung yang and heart yang respectively . So , the yang of heart and lung has important effect to relate the lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood .