
  • 网络Institute of Theoretical Physics;the Institute for Theoretical Physics;Perimeter Institute
  1. 否则,在这个RIM共同打造的市场中,它或许会面临被边缘化的窘境,最后只剩一家圆周理论物理研究所(PerimeterInstitute)。

    Otherwise , rim might as well fold into its perimeter institute because that is exactly where it will end up & on the outskirts of the very market the firm helped create .

  2. 理论物理研究所博士后流动站获得2005年人事部授予的全国优秀博士后科研流动站。

    Institute of theoretical physics became " the excellent center for post-doctoral studies " awarded by Ministry of Personnel in2005 .

  3. 莱登大学位于海牙附近,学校表示这份最新发现的手稿将被保存在罗伦茨理论物理研究所。

    The university , near The Hague , says the newly-unearthed paper will be kept in its Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics .

  4. 那位夫人是一位美国物理学家的妻子,曾经谈到:他的丈夫正在哥本哈根大学的理论物理研究所搞研究。

    The lady , the wife of an American physicist , had mentioned that her husband was studying at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen .

  5. 中国科学院理论物理研究所是从事理论物理最基本核心问题研究、注重交叉学科理论发展的基础研究中心。

    Institute of Theoretical Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( ITP-CAS ) is a fundamental research center for the basic core topics of theoretical physics and interdisciplinary research .

  6. 在这里,在今后几年中,玻尔投身发展的大学理论物理研究所,它很快成为一个国际研究中心和研究。

    Here , over the next few years , Bohr devoted himself to the development of the University Institute for Theoretical Physics , which soon became an international center for research and study .