
  • 网络town development;Towns;small town construction;town construction
  1. 浅论小城镇建设及其金融扶持加大对中小企业发展的金融扶持力度

    Town Development and Finance Support On Supporting the Development of the Medium-and-small size Enterprises

  2. 西部小城镇建设初探

    On the Western Small Town Development in China

  3. 采用1986年、2000年两期TM图像解译数据和相关社会经济统计资料,对鄂豫陕毗邻生态脆弱区域小城镇建设现状进行分析,指出其形成机理包括内生型和外生型。

    Based on the data of TM Fig. and relative social economic statistics in 1986 and 2000 , state quo of small towns development in neighboring eco-crisis regions of Hubei , Henan and Shaanxi was studied , and its form mechanism including inside and extemal type was analyzed .

  4. 小城镇建设中的地质灾害问题研究

    A Preliminary Exploration of Geological Hazards in Small - town Construction

  5. 论小城镇建设中的职业教育发展

    The Development of Vocational Educational During the Construction of Small Towns

  6. 小城镇建设规划中的城市设计分析

    The city design analysis in construction and planning of small city

  7. 基于景观生态学的山地小城镇建设规划&以重庆柳荫镇为例

    Study on Construction Planning of Mountainous Towns Based on Landscape Ecology

  8. 浅析小城镇建设中的营销理念

    Analysis of the Marketing Idea in the Development of Small Town

  9. 循环经济理念与小城镇建设

    The idea of circular economy and the construction of small towns

  10. 小城镇建设是个大战略。

    The construction of Small Towns is a big strategy .

  11. 搞好小城镇建设的政策促使对小城镇发展规划的研究成为关注的热点。

    Small towns development planning is becoming a hot spot of concern .

  12. 经济欠发达乡镇小城镇建设的对策研究&大兴县礼贤镇小城镇建设调查

    Thinking of the Small Cities and Towns Construction in Less Developed Towns

  13. 二是介绍了潍坊市小城镇建设的主要做法;

    The second part introduces the main methods of small townish construction ;

  14. 以农兴镇,以镇促农&老河口市、襄阳县小城镇建设与农村经济发展探讨

    Building up the Town by Agricultural Industrialization and Promoting Agriculture by Urbanization

  15. 对农村剩余劳动力转移与小城镇建设的再认识

    Reconsideration of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor and the Small-town Construction

  16. 论我国小城镇建设中的相对差异性问题

    On the Relative Difference in Building up Small Towns in our Country

  17. 小城镇建设发展新思路

    New Thoughts of the Construction and Development in Small Towns

  18. 西部地区小城镇建设的目标及模式

    A Study on Model of Western Towns Construction of China

  19. 加快小城镇建设应处理好八大关系

    Dealing with Eight Kinds of Relationship to Quicken Building of Small Towns

  20. 小城镇建设投融资体制改革问题研究

    Research on Investment and Financing System Reform Problem of the Town Construction

  21. 贵州少数民族地区小城镇建设问题研究

    Study on the Township Construction in Minorities Inhabited Regions in Guizhou Province

  22. 洞庭湖区小城镇建设现状与展望

    Situation and Prospects of Town Construction in the Dongting Lake

  23. 西部小城镇建设政策不配套,要素聚集受到现行体制的约束。

    The policy dismatches , restrained by the present system .

  24. 民族乡小城镇建设的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of Small Cities and Towns of Ethnic Townships

  25. 加快云南小城镇建设的思路与对策

    On a Quick Construction of the Small Towns in Yunnan

  26. 小城镇建设档案管理浅说

    A View on Management of Archives in Developing Small Towns

  27. 马克思地租理论及其应用&兼论小城镇建设用地存在的问题与对策

    A Study on Marx 's Theory of Land Rent and its Application

  28. 黑龙江省小城镇建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Small Towns in Heilongjiang Province

  29. 小城镇建设中文物古迹保护研究

    The Studies on Relics ' Protection in the Construction of Chinese Small Town

  30. 论乡镇企业与小城镇建设的协调发展

    The Matching Development of the Small Towns ' Enterprises and Towns ' Construction