
huán jìnɡ tiáo jiàn
  • ambient condition
  1. 引进可以直接测量比释动能的PTW-UNIDOS高精度静电计全面更新主测量系统,同时实现X射线机、γ刻度装置、辐射场环境条件的综合换代升级。

    The chief measure system , the X-ray set and the gamma calibration device and ambient condition of radiation fields have comprehensively been superseded and upgraded .

  2. 复杂环境条件下脉冲中子散射本底测量方法

    Measuring method to impulse neutron scattering background in complicated ambient condition

  3. DNA分子标记辅助选择可避免环境条件的干扰,直接对胚乳突变基因型进行选择,提高育种效率。

    DNA molecular marker assisted-selection is a useful tool to obviate interference of environments and select genotype directly .

  4. 同时本文还利用HE模型评估了中国在一定的经济-技术-能源-环境条件下的CO2减排资源量。

    This paper also evaluates China 's emission reduction under certain economic-technical - energy-environmental conditions .

  5. 建立粟酒裂殖酵母发酵降解苹果渣中的有机酸技术,为后续乳酸杆菌发酵提供适宜的pH环境条件;

    To set up a technology of acidity decreasing by fermentation with Schizosaccharomyces pombe to ascend pH value ;

  6. 不同土壤湿度下柠条光合速率对CO2浓度和辐射强度响应的模拟研究海洋工程环境条件模拟船舶空调系统的仿真与建模

    Impacts of CO_2 Concentration and Radiant Intensity on C. intermedia Photosynthetic Rate Under Different Soil Moisture with a Simulation Condition

  7. 本文就织造工艺参数、后整理工艺以及环境条件对真丝双绉绉效应系数(Z)的关系进行了探讨。

    The influence of weaving parameters , finishing processes and ambient conditions on the crepe effect coefficient of silk crepe-de-chine is discussed .

  8. 在无氧条件下,芳香胺降解受阻。环境条件试验表明,在相当广的pH值、温度、光强和碳源营养水平条件下,该系统仍有较高的降解效果。

    The system still possessed efficiency on degradation of dye in a considerable range of pH value , temperature , light intensity and nutrient level of carbon source .

  9. QTL定位频率较高的区域,往往能够反映不同遗传背景、不同环境条件下这一区域对特定性状的强表达。

    The region with high frequency might mean high expression of specific traits under various genetic background and environmental conditions .

  10. 表层土壤磁化率值与重金属元素Cd、Hg、Pb、As和Cr含量之间在不同环境条件下相关性有着明显的差异。

    It is obvious that the correlativity between soil magnetic susceptibility and Cd 、 Hg 、 Pb 、 As and Cr contents are different in the different environmental conditions .

  11. 所以,衰老过程受环境条件的影响,伴随着代谢,RNA和蛋白质合成速率的下降和(或)膜与细胞器结构的改变。

    Thus root senescence is a complex procedure , involved with environmental factors , metabolism , RNA and protein synthesis rate decrease as well as membrane and / or cell structure reconstruction .

  12. 笔者推测,F2世代表现型值除取决于不育主基因型和环境条件外,还受亲本育性基因组成及状态的深刻影响。

    Authors conjectured that besides the main genotype and environmental condition , the phenotypic value of PGMS progeny plant will be deeply influenced by the composition and state of fertile genes within the progenitors .

  13. AB1雄性育性的变化是细胞质、细胞核基因(环境条件敏感基因)与环境条件(可能是温度)互作的结果。

    This change of ferility is the result of interaction between the cytoplasmic and nuclear genes ( environmental sensitive genes ) and the environmental factors ( probably temperature ) .

  14. 主要结果如下:(1)参照文献资料,选择适宜的环境条件并以MS培养基作为基本培养基来建立菊花快速繁殖体系。

    The main results were as follows : In according to the documents , we select the appropriate environmental conditions and put the MS medium as the basic medium to create a rapid propagation system of chrysanthemum .

  15. 结果表明,汽车TCS神经网络控制算法能根据环境条件自适应地调整控制量,有效消除驱动轮过度滑转,使汽车具有良好的加速性和适应性。

    The results showed that the algorithms could adjust control quantity adaptively according to the circumstance , eliminate excessive slip of driving wheel and make automobile acquire better accelerating performance and adaptability .

  16. 矿业弃物堆的蒸发量高于对照1~5mm,但矿区的空气相对温度却明显低于对照。由此说明,矿区环境条件迥别于周边环境,更趋于沙漠区的自然环境。

    Evaporation from mining area increased by 1 ~ 5 mm compared with CK , but the humidity of mining area was much lower than CK .

  17. 影响PAH在土壤和植物中分布的因素除PAH本身的理化性质外,土壤的理化性质、植物种类和环境条件同时起重要的作用。

    The factor influencing on PAH distribution in soils and vegetations were not only PAH own physical and chemic property but also physical and chemic character of soils , types of vegetations and environment conditions .

  18. 通过动态机械热分析(DMTA)考察了环境条件对复合材料动态力学性能的影响。

    The effects of the environments on the dynamic mechanical properties of the pultruded CF / VE composite were studied by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis ( DMTA ) .

  19. 在弱光生态环境条件下,研究了烯效唑(S-3307)干拌种对不同密度冬小麦蛋白质组分及加工品质的影响,分析了蛋白质各组分含量与加工品质的关系。

    Effects of S-3307 ( Uniconazole ) application on amount to content of protein components and processing quality of wheat grain were studied in more rain and low light stress environment .

  20. 为了模拟CO2、O3质量浓度升高的环境条件,OTC-Ⅰ型优化开顶式气室设计实现计算机自动控制气室内的气体质量浓度,其它环境条件接近自然状态,气室内空间适合木本植物生长。

    To simulate the environmental condition of elevated CO2 and O3 , optimal open top chamber ( OTC-1 ) was designed to control the atmosphere concentrations automatically . Any other environment factors in the chamber are kept to be close to nature for arboreal growth .

  21. 本研究以翡翠贻贝PernaViridis为实验材料,采用放射性示踪技术,研究了不同环境条件下翡翠贻贝对重金属的累积及转运方式,并对相关作用机制进行了探讨。

    The bioaccumulation and transport pathway of heavy metal in green mussels Perna viridis were studied under different environmental conditions employed radiotracer techniques . The relative mechanisms of metal transport were also discussed .

  22. 并在图解出PMV的基础上,导出求解不同环境条件下PMV的计算公式,为空调技术提供了简单计算PMV的方法。

    Moreover , on the basis of this nomograph , the equation has been obtained for calculating PMV under different indoor environment in summer . It can provide simple calculating method of PMV for air conditioning technology .

  23. 在空间环境条件下,为了能对宇航电连接器进行寿命预测,并提高其运行的稳定性和可靠性,就必须研究宇航电连接器用典型材料PEI在空间环境条件下绝缘性能蜕化规律。

    In order to predict the life of aerospace electrical connectors and improve its stability and reliability , we have to study the deterioration of insulating properties of PEI which is used as typical materials for aerospace electrical connectors under the space environment condition .

  24. 依据太湖底泥的污染特性,疏浚深度以40~50cm为宜,并应为后续生物修复技术介入创造必要的生态环境条件。

    According to the characteristics of sediment pollution in Taihu Lake , the appropriate depth of dredging is 40 & 50 ? cm , and the dredging should create necessary environmental condition for the following ecosystem restoration .

  25. 环境条件对全玻璃真空太阳能热水系统热性能的影响

    Influence of environment on heating performance of solar heating water system

  26. 复杂环境条件下热风炉的爆破拆除

    Controlled Blasting Demolition of a Hot Wind Kiln in Complicated Surrounding

  27. 保证环境条件满足控制系统正常运行要求;

    Ensure environmental conditions satisfy control system normal operation requirements ;

  28. 高热害煤矿极端环境条件下人体耐受力研究

    Research on Heat Tolerance of Extreme Thermal Environment in Hyperthermal Coal Mine

  29. 军用物资集装箱运输机械环境条件及防护要求

    Mechanical Environmental Condition and Protection Demands of Military Materials in Container Conveyance

  30. 环境条件对辣椒幼苗疫病发生影响的研究

    Effects of Environmental Conditions on The Occurring Regularity of The Capsicum Blight