
liǎnɡ jí fēn huà
  • polarization;class polarization;division into two opposing extremes;bipolar differentiation
两极分化 [liǎng jí fēn huà]
  • (1) [polarization;bipolar differentiation]

  • (2) 团体、思想、体系或势力等分成两个对立面

  • (3) 原来合在一起的常常发生冲突的团体或势力向相反的极端集中

  • (4) [如社会或势力]分成两个集中于相反极端的部分

  1. 结果表明,产业带城市生态经济联系强度整体偏低,两极分化显著。

    The results showed that the eco-economic relation intensity between cities of spark industrial belt in Gansu Corridor were relatively low and polarization significantly .

  2. DAI患者的预后呈现出两极分化趋势。

    The prognosis of patients with DAI showed the trend of polarization .

  3. 随着汽车租赁业的两极分化,生意将流向较大的公司。

    As the car rental industry polarizes , business will go to the bigger companies

  4. 这一差距正是不断加剧的高学历高收入富人与无技术低收入穷人之间两极分化的部分表现。

    This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor .

  5. 如果你在和一个刚认识的人对话,一般最好不要谈论沉重、令人不快或两极分化的话题。

    If you 're talking to someone new , it 's generally best not to talk about weighty , off-putting or polarizing topics .

  6. 与JustinBieber的方式没什么不同,大家对这位社交明星的看法两极分化。

    In a manner not dissimilar to Justin Bieber , the social media star polarises opinion .

  7. 所以,我们今天即将度过的是一个静态平衡期(aperiodofstasis),而不是一个两极分化意识有所提高或者可以界定的两方真正出现激烈冲突的时期。

    So what we 're going through today is a period of stasis , rather than a period with any heightened sense of polarisation or any real sharp clash between definable sides .

  8. 电镜下所有M5MPO阳性细胞率范围在0~100%之间,MPO阳性细胞率和M5例数所占百分比之间呈两极分化趋势。

    The scope of the ratio of MPO positive cells in all M5 ranged from 0 to 100 % .

  9. 这里提到的现实当然,是宇宙极少一部分是指一对对光子(pairsofphotons)(光子构成了光)的两极分化。

    The reality in question admittedly rather a small part of the universe was the polarisation of pairs of photons , the particles of which light is made .

  10. “全民公敌”的制作人KevinMisher认为电影业正日益两极分化。

    Kevin Misher , the producer behind " Public Enemies ", believes the film business will become increasingly polarised .

  11. 得到如下主要结论:(1)通过功率谱分析发现,由于大气中的CO2浓度增加所导致的全球增暖,使得大气低频振荡有分别向更高频率和更低频率两极分化的趋势。

    The main conclusions are described as follows . ( 1 ) Through power spectra analysis , it is found that the global warming resulted from the increase in concentration of CO_2 enhances ISO activity for both the high and low frequency components .

  12. 然而,麦肯锡驻上海的负责人白德范(stephanbinder)认为,拥挤的中国市场将出现以下情况:10到15家主要公司之间将日益两极分化,小公司数量将不断缩减。

    However , Stephan binder , a Shanghai-based McKinsey principal , believes the crowded Chinese market will see a growing polarisation between 10-15 leading firms and a dwindling number of smaller rivals .

  13. 观众给这部由罗素・克劳(RussellCrowe)主演影片的评价证明了该片两极分化的特点。这部影片将一段简单的经故事改编成了好莱坞史诗片,自由发挥的程度很高。

    Moviegoers ' grades for the Russell Crowe release spoke to the polarizing nature of the film , which took significant liberties with the original text to adapt a spare biblical story into a Hollywood epic .

  14. 教保证券(kyobosecurities)分析师kimjin-sung表示:“随着消费者对廉价航空公司和高端服务的需求出现两极分化,它们正纷纷追赶这股潮流,瞄准短途国际航线。”

    Kim jin-sung , an analyst at Kyobo securities , said : " they are jumping on the bandwagon , targeting short-haul international routes as consumer demand for budget airlines and premium services is polarised . "

  15. 卡片制造商pipedream看到销售形势出现了两极分化:个人圣诞卡销数额下降了30%,而公司的则在增加。

    Card maker pipedream is seeing a split : turnover for personal Christmas cards is down 30 per cent , but corporate sales are growing .

  16. 因此,发挥公共政策的调节作用,是缩小我国两极分化的重要经济手段。

    So , the Commonality Policy measures to reduce our polarize .

  17. 但经济政策制定者对于该国日益尖锐的社会两极分化感到担忧。

    But economic policymakers are concerned about its sharpening social divide .

  18. 正如我所说的两极分化调整总是非常好。

    As I said the polarisation alignment was always very good .

  19. 这将越来越多地造成有产者和无产者之间的两极分化。

    This will increasingly polarize the planet between haves and have-nots .

  20. 地域分布极不平衡,江苏、广东、山东、浙江、上海五省市集中度很高,西部边远地区则远远落后,两极分化严重。

    The regional distribution is sharply unbalanced and polarization is serious .

  21. 贫富两极分化更不等于社会主义!

    Polarization between rich and poor also not equivalent to socialism !

  22. 两极分化的社会不利于自身的稳定与发展。

    The polarized society is disadvantageous to social stability and development .

  23. 春小麦同化产物供应与小花两极分化的关系

    The relation between POLARIZING-DEVELOPMENT of floret and assimilate supply in spring wheat

  24. 两极分化、贫富悬殊与市场经济

    Two extreme divisions , disparity between poverty and wealth and market economy

  25. 要解决世界贫富两极分化需要的不是同情和怜悯,而是实际行动。

    This global gap requires more than compassion . It requires action .

  26. 平均主义是共同富裕的对立物,两极分化也是共同富裕的对立物;

    Equalitarianism is the antithesis of common prosperity , so is polarization ;

  27. 加强政府调控,防止个人收入分配中的两极分化

    Strengthen Government Adjustment to Prevent Polarization in Personal Income Distribution

  28. 大学生学习成绩两极分化的防范

    The Precautions against the Polarity of the Grades of the College students

  29. 要求中国减少碳排放也同样产生了两极分化的效果。

    Exhortations to cut carbon emissions produce the same dichotomy .

  30. 不对等的权力结构会导致利益结构的两极分化;

    The unequal power will lead to the separation of benefit structure .