
  • 网络Amphibious assault ship;Mistral;LHA;lhd;lph
  1. 本文介绍美两栖攻击舰(LHA)和两栖船坞运输舰(LPD)的作战系统及其设备。

    This article introduces amphibious assault ship ( LHA ) and amphibious transport docks ( LPD ) of American navy .

  2. 周三,中国第二艘075型两栖攻击舰在上海下水。

    China on Wednesday launched its second Type 075 amphibious assault ship in Shanghai .

  3. 建造西北风级两栖攻击舰的圣纳泽尔造船厂眼下正陷入困境。

    The Saint-Nazaire shipyard , which builds the Mistral class , is in trouble .

  4. 两栖攻击舰作战系统

    Combat System of Amphibious Assault Ship

  5. 美国海军马金岛,海军的第一款混合动力两栖攻击舰刚刚完成它的处女航。

    The U.S.S. Makin Island , the Navy 's first hybrid amphibious assault ship has just completed its maiden voyage .

  6. 由具备投送“由舰到岸”攻击部队能力的各单位组成。如“塔拉瓦”级和“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰以及登陆艇等。

    It is composed of units capable of delivering ship-to-shore assault troops , such as Tarawa-class and Wasp-class amphibious assault ships , and landing craft .

  7. 报告补充说,法国原本会成为2010至2014年间的第三大武器出口国,但出于对俄罗斯卷入乌克兰冲突的担忧,法国推迟了去年向俄罗斯出口两栖攻击舰的计划。

    France would have had the third-largest share for 2009-14 had it not postponed plans to sell an amphibious assault ship to Russia last year over concerns about its involvement in the Ukraine conflict , the report added .