
  • 网络richard ii;King Richard II;Richard II of England
  1. 我喜欢的是导演对我说,我想让你演这个角色。我本来是不会出演《理查二世》(RichardII)的,但特雷弗&12539;纳恩(TrevorNunn)想让我扮演一个角色。

    What I like is when a director says to me , ' I want to see you do this role . ' I would never have come up with doing ' Richard II . ' But Trevor Nunn wanted to see me play that role .

  2. 我们称其为文学,我是理查二世,你不知道吗

    Call it " literature ":" I am Richard II , know you not that ?"

  3. 《理查二世》:新亚当与第二乐园的重建

    Richard ⅱ: The New Adam and the Reconstruction of the Second Paradise

  4. 理查二世被残酷地杀害了。

    Richard h was brutally murdered .

  5. 伊丽莎白女王这样说,那时,她受到了艾塞克斯起义的威胁,莎士比亚的《理查二世》在上演,她相信,在街头巷尾上演。

    Says Queen Elizabeth when at the time of the threatened Essex Uprising Shakespeare 's Richard II is being performed , as she believes , in the public streets and in private houses .

  6. 我们知道伊丽莎白女王在这种情况下是害怕的,这就很简单地证明了,威尔逊认为,理查二世对她来说不是威胁是错误的。

    We know Queen Elizabeth was scared on this occasion , which makes it quite simply the case that John Dover Wilson was wrong to suppose that Richard II was no threat to her .

  7. 伊丽莎白女王说,他们演这出戏是因为他们试着,将我比作理查二世,准备废黜我,谁知道他们还会对我做什么呢

    Queen Elizabeth says ," They 're staging this play because they 're trying to compare me with Richard II in preparation for deposing me , and who knows what else they might do to me ?"

  8. 换句话说,哪里有叛乱,哪里有人希望将她轰下台,并簇拥艾塞克斯伯爵上台,就有《理查二世》的上演。

    In other words , wherever there is sedition , wherever there are people who want to overthrow her and replace her with the Earl of Essex , the pretender to the throne , Richard II is being performed .