
hǎi dào
  • pirate;buccaneer;sea rover
海盗 [hǎi dào]
  • [pirate;sea rover] 出没在公海上的强盗

海盗[hǎi dào]
  1. 埃德扮海盗玩。

    Ed played at being a pirate .

  2. 海盗头子下令枪毙俘虏。

    The pirate chief commanded that the prisoners should be shot .

  3. 咱们假扮海盗玩吧!

    Let 's play pirates .

  4. 其中7名渔夫因海盗行为遭正式起诉。

    Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy .

  5. 这个村子曾一度是海盗藏匿之处。

    The village was once a pirates ' lair .

  6. 11世纪早期,整个英格兰再次被北欧海盗征服。

    Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings .

  7. 在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。

    The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates .

  8. 孩子们假扮成海盗。

    Children dressed ( themselves ) up as pirates .

  9. 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。

    The pirates treated their captives with barbarity .

  10. 古时候,英国沿海一带一再受到北欧海盗的窜扰。

    In olden days the coasts of England were harassed by the Vikings again and again .

  11. 海盗将宝物埋藏在土里。

    Pirates buried treasure in the ground .

  12. 海盗猖狂作害。

    Pirates are on the rampage .

  13. 越来越多的海盗开始爬进寨子。

    More pirates were starting to climb into the stockade .

  14. 葛雷用剑结果了一个海盗。

    Gray cut down one man with his sword .

  15. 我们刚走到一半的时候,那帮海盗就用它向我们开火了。

    We were half-way to the island when the pirates fired it at us .

  16. 他们干海盗仅仅是嫩角儿。

    They were mere apprentices to piracy .

  17. 就在我身后的海滩上是海盗们的篝火堆。

    And there , right behind me , was the pirate 's fire on the beach !

  18. 你要么是我船上的厨子,要么就是西尔弗船长,一个可恶的海盗!

    You 're either my ship 's cook , or Capn Silver , a dirty pirate !

  19. 一个是岸上海盗们巨大的篝火堆,海盗们围着篝火喝酒,唱歌;

    One came from a great fire on the shore where the pirates sat singing and drinking ;

  20. 海盗们并没有反击,所以我们有时间来治疗伤员。

    The pirates3 did not return , and we had time to take care of the wounded .

  21. 那四个闯进寨子的海盗中,只有一个没有受伤,

    And of the four who had climbed into the stockade , only one was not wounded ,

  22. 在岸上,那帮海盗正用斧子劈船长的小船。

    On the beach , the pirates were breaking up the captain 's little boat with axes6 .

  23. 这不还不够劲,还有比这更神气的事情,他要去当海盗

    But no , there was something gaudier even than this . He would be a pirate !

  24. 要是那帮海盗在岸上过夜,他们中就会有人遭厄运!

    And if the pirates sleep on shore tonight , one of them might have an unpleasant surprise !

  25. 岛上的海盗听见枪声后从树林中窜出来奔向他们的小船。

    The pirates on the island heard the gun and ran out of the trees towards their boats .

  26. 那个没追上海盗的哈里回来后,西尔弗似乎生气了—我确信他生气了。

    But when the man Harry came back without the pirate , Silver seemed angry and I be-lieved he was .

  27. 一个海盗,亨特,还有斯摩列特船长;他们中前两个都快死了。

    One pirate2 , Hunter , and Captain Smollett ; and of these , the first two were nearly dead .

  28. 他大概在海盗们喝醉了倒在篝火边的时候到他们的营地去过。

    Perhaps he had visited the pirates during the night , when they were lying around their fire , full of rum .

  29. 忽然,枪声又响起来,一群海盗从树林里窜出来向围栏跑来,

    Suddenly , guns were fired again , and a group of pirates ran from the woods and on to the stockade .

  30. 我本想找20个船员—我们可能会遇到海盗或者敌船,可是费了很大劲才找到6个人。

    I wanted a crew7 of twenty men — as we may meet pirates9 or enemy ships — but I had the greatest difficulty10 finding11 six .