
  • 网络sea plants;or something
  1. 小型的海底植物紧紧吸附在岩石上。

    Small marine plants were anchored to the rocks .

  2. 海底植物,据我看,在这里是应有尽有了,比产量较少的南北两极地带或热带区域,可能更为丰富。

    Here the range of underwater flora seemed pretty comprehensive to me , as well as more abundant than it might have been in the arctic or tropical zones , where such exhibits are less common .

  3. 但这同时也为鱼类提供了一层防护,让它们有了保护色:一般在上部会呈现蓝色或灰色,下部呈现银白色。凭借这些保护色,当飞鱼在海底植物中进食时就很难发现它们。

    This also provides cover , given the coloration of the fish - blue or grey on top , silvery white on the bottom - so that they are not easily seen from above or below as they feed on the clouds of marine flora .

  4. 我注意到,在海底,植物界要比动物界消失得早些。

    I observed that vegetable life was disappearing more quickly than animal life .

  5. 有时他们在海底的植物和岩石下找到些东西…

    Sometimes they find objects under plants or rocks on the bottom of the sea ...

  6. 杰克:有时他们在海底的植物和岩石下找到些东西⋯

    Jake : Sometimes they find objects under plants or rocks on the bottom of the sea

  7. 我注意到,在海底,植物界要比动物界消失得早些。海产植物虽然已经放弃了这些变为贫瘠的土地,但数量很多的动物、植虫动物、节肢动物、软体动物和鱼类仍然到处皆是。

    I observed that vegetable life was disappearing more quickly than animal life . The open-sea plants had already left behind the increasingly arid seafloor , where a prodigious number of animals were still swarming : zoophytes , articulates , mollusks , and fish .