
  1. 众所周知只有一小部分现存或灭绝的海洋爬行动物是食草动物。

    Only a handful of marine reptiles , livingor extinct , are known to be herbivores .

  2. 已灭绝的海洋爬行动物,比蛇颈龙的四肢更长更细,且不太适于游水。

    Extinct marine reptile with longer more slender limbs than plesiosaurs and less completely modified for swimming .

  3. 总而言之,这恐怖的海洋爬行动物有400根尖牙,插在它的上下颌上。

    All in all , the terrifying marine reptile boasted about 400 hypodermic teeth spread across its multiple mandibles .

  4. 与现代的陆地海龟不同的是,这种长约16英尺的龟类与其他海洋爬行动物一同被发现,这表明它是水生动物。

    Unlike modern land turtles , this sixteen-inch-long species was found with other marine reptiles , indicating it was aquatic .

  5. 几年时间内,在这些岩石中取得了数以千计的海洋爬行动物、鱼类以及无脊椎动物的标本。

    Over the years , thousands of specimens of marine reptiles , fish and invertebrates have been recovered from these rocks .

  6. 人们可以从它们的骨骼看出这些与恐龙同存于中生代的海洋爬行动物患有该病。

    That these Mesozoic marine reptiles , contemporaries of the dinosaurs , got the bends can be seen from their bones .

  7. 已灭绝的海洋爬行动物,头小颈长尾短,并有桨状肢;生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪。

    Extinct marine reptile with a small head on a long neck a short tail and four paddle-shaped limbs ; of the Jurassic and Cretaceous .

  8. 以在海里交配、回到陆上产卵的海洋爬行动物命名的中国海龟,指的是中国内地那些出国学习、回国赚钱的人。他们对中国社会做出了贡献,但也引起了本地人的嫉妒。

    Named for the marine reptile that mates at sea and returns to land to nest , Chinese sea turtles are mainlanders who study overseas and come home to make money , a contribution to Chinese society , and the locals jealous .