
  • 网络Seaweed extract;algae extract
  1. 海藻提取物防治番茄CMV病毒效果及其机理研究

    The Preliminary Study of Control and Mechanism on Seaweed Extract to CMV on Tomato Plants

  2. 海藻提取物对富营养化水体氮素循环影响研究

    Effect of Seaweed Extract on Nitrogen Cycle in Eutrophic Water

  3. 两种海藻提取物对小油菜的品质有良好的促进作用,在促进蔬菜Vc和可溶糖含量增加的同时,并不增加油菜中的硝酸盐含量。

    They can increase the content of Vitamin C and dissolved sugar , while not increase the nitrate content .

  4. 海藻提取物Fucoidan抗肿瘤作用的实验研究

    Study on Antitumor Action of Fucoidan Extracted from Brown Alga

  5. 海藻提取物对链脲霉素糖尿病大鼠的降血糖作用

    Anti-diabetic effects of extractives of Marine algae in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

  6. 海藻提取物对菠菜硝酸盐积累的影响及机理

    Effect of seaweed extract on nitrate accumulation in spinach and its mechanism

  7. 中国常见的20种海藻提取物抗氧化活性比较

    Anti-oxidative Activity Comparison of Extracts from 20 kinds of Chinese Common Seaweeds

  8. 海藻提取物在当归上的应用效果

    The effect of seaweed extracts on herbal angelica growth

  9. 海藻提取物对实验性高脂大鼠模型的药效学研究

    Study on pharmacodynamics of the extract of seaweed about the experimental hyperlipemia mouse model

  10. 中国经济海藻提取物生物活性

    Study on bioactivity of Chinese marine alga extracts

  11. 海藻提取物的制备与抗病活性

    Preparation and Antipathogen Activities of Extracts from Algae

  12. 海藻提取物(海藻肥)在蔬菜上的应用效果研究

    The effect of seaweed extract on vegetables

  13. 海藻提取物的抗旱性研究

    The studies on anti-drought of seaweed extracts

  14. 海藻提取物抑瘤活性及抗氧化作用的观察

    Anticancer and antioxidant activities of seaweed extracts

  15. 褐藻胶是海藻提取物。

    Algin was refined from marine alga .

  16. 海藻提取物EClean在富营养化养殖水体上的应用研究

    Application of Seaweed Extract to Eutrophic Fishpond

  17. 海藻提取物环氧加酶-2抑制活性研究室内水生动物对蓝藻生长的抑制效果

    Inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme of extraction from algae Control of Cyanobacteria by Aquatic Animals in Artificial Waters

  18. 提出排铅奶粉是由海藻提取物经科学降解、处理,再配以低脂奶粉、糖、维生素等高营养物质加工而成。

    The " Lead Excreting Milk Powder " is scientifically manufactured from the polysaccharide of seaweeds , milk-powder , vitamins , sugar and other superior nutrient materials .

  19. 特别添加的奥氏海藻提取物在保湿滋养的同时缔造细腻嫩滑的肌肤质感,弹性而充满活力。

    The especially added extracts of CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS bring you fine and smooth skin texture while providing moisture and nourishments , to make your skin resilient and energized .

  20. 随后,通过防污涂料的抑制硅藻附着试验和抑制贻贝足丝生长试验,证明并确定了在含海藻提取物的水性防污涂料中,海藻提取物含量为5.4%时,具有较为理想的防污效果。

    Then , through the tests for its anti-diatom growth ability and anti-mussel secreting byssi ability , it proves and makes sure the waterborne antifouling paints containing algae extraction when the composition of algae extraction is 5.4 % , the antifouling effect is better .

  21. 海藻乙醇提取物抗菌活性的研究

    Study on the antibacterial activities of the ethanol extracts of seaweed

  22. 海藻甲醇提取物免疫调节作用的初步研究

    Studies on immunomodulatory effects of methanol extracts from Chinese algae

  23. 海藻乙醇提取物抗真菌活性

    The anti - fungi activity of the ethanol extracts of several algae

  24. 色度(L值)及水分吸收率随海藻粉和提取物的添加量的增大而下降,表明添加量与色度及水分吸收率之间具有相关性。

    Chroma and water absorptivity decreased with adding the powder and extract of sea tangle and brown seaweed .

  25. 海藻、牡蛎提取物HLK及其营养成分的分析

    Extract of seaweed and oyster and analysis of its nutrition composition

  26. 结果表明,在5%浓度下3种海藻的乙醇提取物对TMV的体外抑制率达到60%以上。

    The results indicated that ethanol extracts from 3 algae had more than 60 % inhibiting rate on TMV . Ethanol extracts which inhibiting rates were more than 60 % had been extracted by other organic solvent and their inhibiting rates on TMV had been determined .

  27. 日本被活灵活现地重现了,用的是凉爽的海洋气息,夹杂着海藻和贝壳提取物的气味、绿茶的香气和龙涎香,捕捉到了这座太平洋岛屿的沿海村落的感觉。

    Japan is brought to life through cool , oceanic tones with a mix of seaweed and shell extracts , green tea and Ambergris , capturing the essence of coastal villages synonymous with the great Pacific Island .

  28. 海藻有机肥是天然的海藻提取物,已广泛应用于作物生产上。

    The application of seaweed in agricultural production were reviewed .