
  • 网络melanosis
  1. 结果:酪氨酸、MDA明显升高,皮肤黑色素沉着增加。

    Results : tyrosine and MDA Significantly rose and the deposit of melanin in skin increased .

  2. 牙龈粘膜黑色素沉着的部分相关因素研究

    The Study of Partial Relevant Factors with Gingival Pigmented

  3. 以黑色的头发、皮肤或者眼睛或者有比较多的黑色素沉着为特点。

    Marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes .

  4. 性别、年龄、酗酒习惯、咀嚼槟榔习惯对牙龈黑色素沉着无显著相关性。

    Sex , age , heavy drinking , betel chewing have no obvious relationship with gingival pigmented .

  5. 60%病例伴有钙化,35%有骨化,25.5%有含铁血黄素或黑色素沉着。

    Sixty percent of the tumors were accompanied with calcification , 35 % with ossification , 25.5 % with hemosiderin or melanism .

  6. 结论:C57BL/6无毛小鼠真皮深层及皮下组织内含有大量黑色素细胞,可用于黑色素沉着疾病及黑色素瘤的研究。

    There are lots of melanocyte in deep corium and subcutaneous Conclusion : C 57 BL / 6 hairless mice have lots of melanocyte to be used in studying of melanin deposit and tumor .

  7. 结论:黑色素细胞肿瘤切除后瘢痕中黑色素沉着的皮肤镜诊断可为判断色素沉着的起源提供有用的信息。

    CONCLUSIONS : Dermoscopic examination of melanotic pigmentations in excision scars of melanocytic tumours provides useful information about the origin of that pigmentation .

  8. 现代研究认为皮肤产生过量的黑色素是引起黄褐斑、黑色素瘤等色素沉着性皮肤病的主要因素,而酪氨酸酶是黑色素生物合成过程的关键酶。

    Modern studieds indicated that excessive production of melanin is the main reason of these skin diseases and tyrosinase is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of melanin .