
  • 网络Kaesong
  1. 现代化的发展离不开城市化的大力发展。

    The development of modernization is inseparable from the great development of urbanization .

  2. 一个现代化城市,离不开城市景观、人文景观的衬托。

    A modern city needs the city landscape and the humanities landscape to set off .

  3. 城市形象的塑造离不开城市公共环境艺术设计的发展。

    The modeling of city identification is closely related with the development of city public environment art .

  4. 现代城市的发展离不开城市轨道交通的发展。

    Urban rail transit is one of the decisive factors for the growth of a modern city .

  5. 城市要进行现代化,尤其完善城市功能,离不开城市交通的优化和提高。

    Urban modernization , especially the improvement of urban functions , is inseparable from urban traffic optimization and improvement .

  6. 城市信息化离不开城市信息高速公路,宽带城域网的建设为城市信息化提供了高速通道。

    City informatization will not develop without the information highway ; the broadband MAN provides a high speed path for city informatization .

  7. 城市的发展过程实际上是城市问题不断产生并得以解决的过程,而城市问题的解决离不开城市的改造。

    The development of cities is a process of discovering and solving problems , which is closely related to the reconstruction of cities .

  8. 北京的生态城市建设离不开城市林业工作,城市野生动物保护是城市林业的重要内容。

    Beijing 's urban forestry is indispensable to its ecological construction and its urban wildlife conservation is an important part of its urban forestry .

  9. 我国社会发展的主要标志之一是城市发展水平,而城市发展离不开城市体育意识的作用。

    The main character of our social development is the level of city development . The city development can 't get away from the function of the city athletics consciousness .

  10. 安徽省作为一个欠发达的农业大省、人口大省,经济和社会的发展同样离不开城市化道路。

    Anhui Province as one undeveloped agriculture old province , people 's big province , economy can 't do without the road to the urbanization as development of the society .

  11. 另一方面,产业结构的升级离不开城市空间扩展、城市职能体系等城市化诸多方面的空间支撑和需求劳动。

    On the other hand , upgrading of industrial structure need space support and demand working in a great deal of urbanization aspect , such as , urban space expansion , urban function system etc.

  12. 党的十六大报告中把提高全民族健康素质提升到新的高度,国民健康素质的提高,离不开城市社区体育。

    In report of the 16th Central Committee of Communist Party of China , national health quality was elevated to a new height . However , nationl health quality cannot be improved without cities'community sports .

  13. 分析了城市旅游形象与城市景观之间的关系,即城市旅游形象的塑造离不开城市景观的规划建设,城市景观的优化有助于提高城市旅游形象;

    There is close relationship between city tourist image ( CTI ) and urban landscape planning . Urban landscape planning is indispensable when setting up the CTI , and good construction of urban landscape can improve the CTI .

  14. 作者认为城市建设及其研究既离不开城市建设的主体,也离不开城市建设的客体,只有在城市建设的主客体辨证的运动过程中,才能实现城市建设的科学化道路。

    The author considers that the city construction and its research can not be apart from the city construction 's subject or object , only in the dialectic moving course of city construction 's subject and object can we realize the scientific road of the city construction .

  15. 哦,糟糕,我开给城市超市的支票跳票了。

    O , no , my check to city supper market belts .

  16. 喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!

    Oh no ! My check to City Supermarket bounced !

  17. 他们这条船开过城市,海底不断在升高。

    They had passed the city and the sea-bed was still rising .

  18. 我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!

    My check to City Supermarket bounced !

  19. 城市旅游发展离不开对城市旅游空间的一体化研究。

    Integrative research on the urban tourism space plays a very important role in the success of urban tourism development .

  20. 城市地下空间的开发利用离不开已有城市地下空间信息的支撑,建设城市地下空间信息共享平台是提高城市地下空间资源规划、开发和管理水平的必要手段。

    Development and utilization of urban underground space should be supported by the information shared platform of urban underground space .

  21. 同时,服务于跨国公司和金融财团利益考虑的地区总部的发展,也离不开东道国城市提供的有形和无形服务作为赢得全球竞争优势的区位支撑。

    Furthermore , RHQs cannot be separated from the host city to provide tangible and intangible services as a global competitive edge .

  22. 与上海、汉口等经济相对发达的约开商埠城市的同业公会自治性较强相比,济南同业公会的自治性则极弱,这种所谓自治其实不过是政府行政权力的有限让渡。

    The autonomy if Jinan Trade Association was extremely weak compared with that of the trade associations in the comparatively-developed port cities such as Shanghai and Hankou and so on .

  23. 城市规划属于城镇化支持系统的微观层面因素,工业化进程离不开作为城市发展基本调控手段的城市规划。

    Urban planning is a microcosmic aspect of the support system of urbanization and industrialization cannot progress without urban planning which serves as the basic regulating means in urban development .

  24. 攀枝花市是我国西部重要的能源、原材料生产基地和资源开发型城市,矿产、水能和农业自然资源是其最具开发优势的资源。

    Panzhihua City was an important production base of energy and crude materials and a city of exploiting resources type . Minerals , hydropower and agricultural natural resources were three main natural resources with advantages .

  25. 数字城市的成功应用离不开三维城市模型。这是因为相对于二维模型,三维城市模型可以给予用户更真实的用户体验和更直接的用户交互方式。

    It is necessary for success of digital city to have three-dimensional city model , for the reason that comparing to two-dimensional model , three-dimensional city model gains more reality in user experience and more straightforward manner in user interaction .

  26. 利用极大代数方法建立了一线型开环城市轨道交通模型,通过引入周期输入控制,讨论了列车发车间隔与运行时间矩阵及系统无阻塞之间的关系。

    An open loop urban rail transit linear model was built by using the max-plus algebraic approach . After the introduction of periodic input control , the essay discusses the relationship between the matrix of train delivery headway and operation time and the non-block situation of the system .

  27. 一座城市的历史,一座城市的故事,离不开一座城市的老建筑。

    History of a city and stories of a city is inseparable from the old buildings .

  28. 周末,当这架退役了的飞机正被开着穿过城市,后来司机迷了路,就弃之而去。

    The decommissioned aircraft was being driven through the city at the weekend when the driver got lost and then abandoned the plane .

  29. 开汽车离开城市不多远,就可以在州立公园和国家公园找到很好的宿营地。

    Within a relatively short drive from most cities , you will find excellent camping grounds in both the state and national parks of the United States .

  30. 当罗伯特和王接到她的父母的时候,她的爸爸加里一路都在说话,但到车开上远离城市的高速公路上的时候,他突然不说话了。

    Robert and Wang drove to Bathurst to pick them up and her father Gary talked the whole time , until they got to onto the highway and away from the city .