
kāi lì fāng
  • extraction of cubic root;subtriplicate
开立方[kāi lì fāng]
  1. 该方法考虑空间节理的具体分布和连通情况,同时根据节理的开度变化和立方定理又可分析应力场对渗透张量的影响,可方便、有效地进行裂隙岩体渗透特性的分析。

    The method is feasible and reasonable to calculate permeability tensor of fractured rock masses considering the distribution and connection of joint network and the influence of aperture changes ( decided by stress fields ) on permeability tensor according to cubic law .

  2. 从汉初完成的《九章算术》中对开平方、开立方的机械化过程的描述,到宋元时代发展起来的求解高次代数方程组的机械化方法,无一不与数学机械化思想有关。

    The mechanization procedure of determining square root , completed in the beginning of Han dynasty and the mechanization method of solving algebraic equations system of high order , created in Song - Yuan times , are all based on the idea of mathematical mechanization .