
kāi rèn
  • Cutting edge;put the first edge on a knife or a pair of scissors
开刃[kāi rèn]
  1. 曲线开刃机的构思及砂轮轴部件的设计和计算

    Design of Curvilinear Edge Machine and Design and Calculation of Grinding Wheel Components

  2. 滚刀开刃磨床分度盘误差对滚刀容屑槽周节累积误差的影响

    Influence of Graduation Error of Dividing Disk on Error of Hob Chip Pocket Accumulated Pitch

  3. 内镀金刚石铰刀制造中开刃技术

    Techniques of Exposedness of the Edges of Diamond Grains in Inside-Holding Electroplating Diamond Reamer Manufacturing

  4. 大人,这是把好刀,好刀都是两面开刃的。

    A sweet piece of steel , but it cuts two ways , my lord .

  5. 否则我们精良的装备就白白浪费了.那个浑身是毛的高个子坚持要拿两把战斧…都是黑色重钢打造,两面开刃的上等货色.

    Otherwise we 've wasted good steel on them . The great hairy one insisted he must have two battle axes-heavy black steel , double-sided .

  6. 本文讨论了剖层机带对开刃之后显示带刀断面形状的主要结构参数:结构锋和角、刀刃点(刀口)、磨面三者之间的关系。

    Angle of cutting edge , cutting point , grinding surface are three main structural parameters of sharpened band knife which describe the band knife section shape .

  7. 那是把经过巧妙微缩,恰好适合十二岁男孩需要的长剑,剑身是用精钢打造,泛着蓝光,两面开刃,剑柄裹着皮革,尾端则是一个黄金做的狮头。

    a longsword adroitly shrunken to suit a boy of twelve , gleaming blue steel , castle-forged and double-edged , with a leather grip and a lion 's-head pommel in gold .