
chǐ lún
  • gear;gear wheel;cog;wheel gear
齿轮 [chǐ lún]
  • [gear wheel] 有齿的轮状机件,通常成对啮合,其中一个转动,另一个就被带动

齿轮[chǐ lún]
  1. 基于CAD模型的齿轮辐板优化设计

    The Optimization Design of Gear Wheel Spoke

  2. 利用CATIA的混合建模功能在实体和曲面工作台上建立直齿圆锥齿轮模型,并通过知识工程工作台完成齿轮的参数化建模。

    Building the parametric model of straight-tooth bevel gear wheel with CATIA is discussed .

  3. 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

    If the cogs don 't mesh correctly , the gears will keep slipping .

  4. 前齿轮有44个齿。

    The front cog has 44 teeth .

  5. 这个大齿轮带动小齿轮使滚筒旋转。

    This large gear turns the small one to rotate the cylinder .

  6. 齿轮互相啮合。

    The teeth of the wheel gear into each other .

  7. 齿轮就是松不开来。

    The gear just would not come unstuck .

  8. 这两个齿轮啮合在一起。

    The two cogwheels are engaged .

  9. 这个大齿轮带动那个小齿轮。

    This large gear turns the small one .

  10. 齿轮啮合得很好。

    The cogs gear smoothly .

  11. 那些姑娘仿佛做大机器上附属的轮子都不如,只配做齿轮里的牙齿。

    The girls did not so much seem accessory wheels to the general machinery as mere cogs to the wheels .

  12. 你能用拉削技术制作齿轮吗

    A : Can you use broaching to make a gear ?

  13. 摘要根据齿轮啮合原理,建立了轮齿的精确齿形。

    Exact modeling of gear teeth is based on meshing theory .

  14. 强度:自动差速齿轮,滚子轴承上的刚性车轴。

    RUGGEDNESS . Automotive ring gear differential . Axle shafts on roller bearings .

  15. Greenfunction在齿轮箱故障诊断中的运用

    The Use of GREEN FUNCTION in the Faults Diagnosis of the Gearbox

  16. 用B矩阵法建立谐波齿轮啮合基本方程

    Study on Establishing the Basic Engaging Equation of Harmonic Drive By the B Metrix Method

  17. 渐开线齿轮CAD参数化模型的构建

    Construction of CAD Parameterized Model of Involute Gear

  18. 合成气压缩机TM调速器传动齿轮失效分析

    Failure Analysis of the TM Governor Drive Gear of Synthetic Gas Compressor

  19. 基于SolidworksAPI的椭圆齿轮参数化设计及加工仿真

    Parametrical Design and Machining Simulation of Elliptical Gear Based on SolidWorks API

  20. 就新的技术条件下如何开发齿轮传动CAD系统进行探讨。

    In this paper , it is discussed how to design the CAD system for gear drive under the advanced conditions .

  21. 用VB编程设计齿轮传动并在AutoCAD中自动生成图形的研究

    Research of Using VB to Designing Gear Transmissions and Automatic Taking Shape Graph in AutoCAD

  22. SS7型电力机车牵引齿轮系统的有限元三维接触分析

    A finite element 3D contact analysis on tractive gear system for SS_7 electric locomotive

  23. 一个基于VRML齿轮油泵装拆交互系统及实现技术

    Based on VRML Gear Oil Pump Assembling and Dismantling Interactive System and Realization Technology

  24. TI蜗杆由渐开线斜齿轮包络形成,与斜齿轮组成一种环面蜗杆传动。

    TI worm drive is a novel kind of hourglass worm , which consists of involute helical gear and enveloping hourglass worm .

  25. 确定少齿差内齿轮副变位系数的切线法一个比Newton法收敛快而稳的两点切线法

    Newton Method for Determining the Addendum Modification Coefficient of Internal Gear Pair with Small Difference in Number of Teeth

  26. NGW行星齿轮减速器回差分析

    Analysis of Backlash in NGW Planetary Gear Reducer

  27. 针对格里森609准双曲面齿轮精切机的数控改造,介绍了利用西门子802D数控系统CNC与PLC公共存储器设计其工件箱数控分度台的方法。

    A method for designing CNC index table using common memory of CNC and PLC is introduced in this paper . It is successfully applied in the retrofit of GLEASON 609 hypoid gear finisher .

  28. 齿轮传动设计专家系统(GDDES)研究

    Gear Driven Design Expert System ( GDDES ) Research

  29. 抗干涉齿轮集(CMG)机构是一种主要用于要害系统的密码编码与鉴别机构,齿牙编码是其设计的核心。

    Counter-meshing gears ( CMG ) mechanism is a discrimination mechanism mainly used in high consequence systems , and discrimination-teeth coding is its kernel design issue .

  30. Sundyne高速泵齿轮箱振动故障的分析

    Sundyne high speed pump gearbox vibration fault analysis