
qiào gùn
  • crowbar;crowfoot;ringer;underreach
撬棍 [qiào gùn]
  • (1) [crowbar]∶一种通常是弯的铁棒或钢棒,并且有楔形工作端头,专门作橇杆或杠杆用

  • (2) [underreach]∶用来撬起陷在泥塘里的圆木的木杆

撬棍[qiào gùn]
  1. 从库存的使用撬棍流行盖打开。

    Use the CROWBAR from inventory to pop the lid open .

  2. 用撬棍都撬不开他俩

    You won 't be able to separate them with a crowbar .

  3. 我们设法用卸外胎用的撬棍撬开了盖子。

    We managed to prise off the lid with a tyre lever .

  4. Supreme以往的创意合作往往折射出纽约生活的一部分,比如曾经发行过Supreme地铁卡、积木、撬棍和酒袋。

    Its creative partnerships often reflect components of life in New York City - the brand previously released Supreme-branded subway cards , bricks , crow bars and liquor bags .

  5. 贼用撬棍撬开了窗户。

    A thief had prized the window open with a jemmy .

  6. 我一撬棍打在他头的后部。

    I got him on the back of the head with a crowbar .

  7. 我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到了手推车里。

    I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow .

  8. 我拿着一根很大的撬棍,我的同事拿着一把大锤。

    I was holding a large crowbar , and my co-worker was holding a sledgehammer .

  9. 如果散热器框架卡滞,则可以使用一个撬棍小心地将它松开。

    If the radiator frame is stuck , it can be released carefully by means of a crowbar .

  10. 矿工们休息近火,他们持有长期使用撬棍撬,从火山口硫。

    Miners rest near a fire , holding long crowbars they use to pry the sulfur from the crater .

  11. 实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。

    In fact , I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim 's jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar .

  12. 这哥们胖得像猪一样,以致不借助撬棍,就通不过门框。

    This fellow was porcine to such a degree that he could not fit through the average doorframe without the aid of a crowbar .

  13. 透过这个拱形的洞,被丢弃的保险箱、包括角磨机、混凝土钻这样的电动工具,还有撬棍都一目了然。

    In the vault , discarded safe deposit boxes , power tools including an angle grinder and concrete drills , and crowbars can be seen .

  14. 赛克斯一边把费金骂了个狗血喷头,居然派奥立弗来干这个差使,一边使足了劲,悄没声地用撬棍干了起来。

    Sikes , invoking terrific imprecations upon Fagin 's head for sending Oliver on such an errand , plied the crowbar vigorously , but with little noise .

  15. 该机配有拆装头保护套、保护垫、夹爪保护套、撬棍棒保护套和各靠胎铲防护套。在拆装铝合金轮辋时不会划伤轮辋。

    This machine equipped with the protection cover for the mounting head , clamps , lever and bead breaker shoe , to avoid the damage for the aluminum alloy rim .

  16. 在黑暗里我们不易辨出那铁钎是为了作什么用才磨成那个样子的,这也许是根撬棍,也许是把铁杵。

    It would have been difficult to distinguish in that darkness for what employment that bit of iron could have been designed , perhaps it was a lever , possibly it was a club .