- open interval

If f ( x ) is a bound continuity , and g ( x ) is not a negative generalized Riemann integrable on the open interval I (?) It has generalized R.
This paper proves that the point ζ must be in the open interval ( a , b ) under the conditions same as in the first mean value theorem of integrals , and gives some applications of the above results .
The Interval is half-open , meaning that the span of time encapsulated by the Interval includes the beginning of the span but excludes the end .
The leftright and topbottom are STL ( Standard Template Library ) - like half-open ranges for column ( s ) and row ( s ) respectably .
Constructing real-symmetric matrix based on polynomial 's Sturm sequence , we give the matrix description for the real root numbers of real-coefficient polynomial on given open interval .
Give a set of mean-value theorem in open-interval with non-differentiable points .
The integers divide the number line into infinitely many half-open intervals .
O_2-topology is coarser than the open interval topology .
The order topology is coarser than the open interval topology in a lattice .
And based on this conclusion , Darboux theorem on open interval is also given .
This paper gives a general method of how to solve the maximum and minimum of the continuous derivatived functions in open interval by a detailed analysis .
Rough function model , in which the indiscernibility relation is the starting point of our considerations , divides the axis of reals into equivalent classes composed of points and open intervals , i.e. , makes the axis of reals discrete .
The necessary and sufficient condition of the uniform continuity function in closed interval is given in the textbook of higher mathematics . In this paper , we give two necessary and sufficient conditions of the uniform continuity function in open interval and two properties .
If f ( x ) is uniformly continuous function in the open interval ( a , b ), the existence of limit of f ( x ) on the point of a and b can be proved ( Here it refers to the existence of single-sided limit ) .
Investigation of Nature Ventilation in Subway Tunnel with upper Vents