
kāi wèi jiǔ
  • aperitif
  1. 他喝完开胃酒,又尝了点侍者端来的葡萄酒。

    He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced

  2. 此酒是开胃酒,可配合甜品及味道较浓郁的芝士食用。

    It is as an aperitif or with strong cheeses and desserts .

  3. 这款啤酒很适合作为开胃酒。

    This beer is also very suitable as an aperitif .

  4. 此酒极易入口,所以一刻作为开胃酒单独饮用

    Its easy-quaffing quality makes it an aperitif wine .

  5. 这里质地丰富的装饰品是新与旧的迷人结合——从文艺复兴时代的大理石碑文到安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的丝网印画——在温暖的季节里,仅对房客开放的屋顶露台是喝开胃酒的好地方。

    The richly textured d é cor is an appealing mix of old and new - think artworks ranging from Renaissance-era marble inscriptions to Andy Warhol silk-screens - and the clubby rooftop terrace is a new hot spot for aperitivi in warmer months .

  6. 一个完美的开胃酒或海鲜酒饮用的青少年。

    An perfect aperitif or seafood wine made for drinking young .

  7. 刚斟上开胃酒铃声就响了。

    You no sooner pour your aperitif than the bell goes .

  8. 我要两杯开胃酒,请放在靠游泳池的那张桌上。

    I need two cocktails for the table by the pool .

  9. 食物成对:开胃酒,沙拉,烤鱼和海鲜。

    Food pairing : Aperitifs , salads , grilled fish and seafood .

  10. 客人点明虾鸡尾酒当开胃酒。

    The guests were served prawn cocktails as an appetizer .

  11. 待他做完这一切,就到喝开胃酒的时候了。

    You will have to make a little aperitif out of him .

  12. 作为开胃酒低温饮用也是很值得推荐的。

    Served cold it is also excellent as an aperitif .

  13. 冰冻后作餐前开胃酒或餐后独饮。

    Best Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine .

  14. 我点的堪培利开胃酒和苏打水已经摆在了餐桌上。

    My Campari and soda is already on the table .

  15. 饮用方法:适合年轻使用,可以作为开胃酒或配以食物。

    Best drunk young , as an aperitif or even throughout the meal .

  16. 晚餐前要点开胃酒吗?

    Do you care for cocktails before your dinner ?

  17. 点餐之前您想来杯开胃酒吗?

    Would you like an aperitif before you order ?

  18. 数小时之后,他们已在马拉加啜饮饭前的开胃酒了。

    A couple of hours later , they were sipping aperitifs in malaga .

  19. 作为开胃酒,香槟能令人精神一振;

    As an aperitif , it lifts the spirit ;

  20. 苏兹:一种法国黄色龙胆开胃酒。

    Suze : A kind of French yellow aperitif .

  21. 必需品与开胃酒:论格雷厄姆·格林小说中的侦探小说元素

    Necessities and Appetizers : Elements of Detective Fiction in Graham Greene 's Fiction

  22. 搭配食物:作为开胃酒,海鲜,寿司,披萨。

    Serve to : as aperitif , fish , sea-food , sushi , pizza .

  23. 一份开胃酒还是一些白葡萄酒?

    An aperitif or some white wine ?

  24. 来点开胃酒怎么样?一些香槟酒,鱼子酱?全都是进口货。

    How about an aperitif ? Some champers , caviar ? It 's all imported .

  25. 乔不是说晚饭前会回来,一起去喝开胃酒吗?

    Hadn 't Jon had said he would be back in time for pre-dinner drinks ?

  26. 你推荐什么开胃酒吗?

    Do you recommend some aperitif ?

  27. 适当开胃酒和贝类,海鲜和辛辣食物搭配。

    SERVING SUGGESTIONS : Perfect as an aperitif or with shellfish , seafood and spicy foods .

  28. 佐餐建议:适合作餐前开胃酒或搭配配有味道清爽的酱汁的海鲜或鱼类。

    Gastronomic Suggestion : As aperitif or with sea food as cooked fish with soft sauces .

  29. 此酒适宜做开胃酒、餐中酒或者配水果味甜点。

    Can be drunk as an aperitif , during a meal or with fruit style dessert .

  30. 因此,在英国开胃酒可能在第一道菜之前上桌。

    It is thus possible that aperitifs may have sometimes preceded the first course in England .