
  • 网络bus stop
  1. 一个小男孩在挪威首都奥斯陆的寒风中瑟瑟发抖,他坐在一个公交车站台,可怜兮兮地环抱着自己的胳膊。他没有穿外套,而此时在冬日的奥斯陆,气温一般都会降到零下10摄氏度。

    A boy shivers in the harsh Oslo winter , pathetically wrapping his arms around himself on a bus stop bench . He isn 't wearing a coat and temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly plunge to - 10C during winter .

  2. 该作品描绘的是夜中的北京公交车站台。旨在探讨当代生活中建筑物与人的关系。

    The work shows the bus stop in night in beijing , and aims at the relationship between human and the building in modern life .

  3. 近日记者在18路公交车站台上发现站牌上新增了一块牌子,上面都是盲文,据了解这是我市首条试点盲文站牌的公交线路。

    Recently , our reporter finds a new braille sign installed at every stop along Bus Route No.18.It is learnt that this is Hefei 's first bus route with braille signs .

  4. 本文在对实测数据分析研究的基础上,认为公交车在站台的停车情况对路段行驶车速有显著的影响,道路的交通条件越好其影响越明显;

    It 's considered that bus parking at the bus stop has a prominent influence on traffic speed based on the field test data , the better the roadway 's condition will be , the more obviously the influence will be .

  5. 城市公交车到站律及站台服务水平研究

    Study on the Bus-stop about the Arrival Law of Bus and the Service Level in City