
  • hotel;Youth Hostel
  1. 青年旅舍在中国:现状与前景

    Youth Hostel in China : Present Situation and Prospect

  2. 来徐霞客青年旅舍吧!

    Come to wuxi Hiker Youth Hostel !

  3. 伯恩斯先生积极活动,反对在这儿建青年旅舍。

    Mr Burns has actively campaigned against a hostel being set up here

  4. 其实它是刚在桂林市开业的一所青年旅舍。

    Actually it is a new hostel started business in Guilin .

  5. 所有的评分综合后即得出年度的最佳青年旅舍大奖得主。

    Those ratings form the basis of the HI Best Hostel Awards .

  6. 青年旅舍乐活投宿自助店美国海岸警卫队简介

    The brigade abandons youth Introduction of U.S Coast Guards

  7. 青年旅舍在中国的市场机会浅析

    The Market Opportunities for the Youth Hotel in China

  8. 从海口国际青年旅舍怎么走?同去假日海滩相似,只是离市区比较近。

    Getting There : Similar to Holiday beach but a bit closer to the city .

  9. 晟锋青年旅舍的所有朋友随时真诚地恭候您的光临!

    Brightness Pioneer Hostel all the youth friends welcome your coming in our good faith !

  10. 青年旅舍近年来在中国发展迅速,但仍有不少人对其性质、特点,市场特征等把握不准,甚至误解。

    Youth Hostel has developed fast in China , but it remains confusing for many people .

  11. 说起全球最干净整洁的青年旅舍,那就非新大阪青年旅舍莫属了。

    Shin-Osaka Hostel has got the best customer rating in the world when it comes to cleanliness .

  12. ~距离老班长国际青年旅舍步行约七分钟。

    ~ Be apart from old leader of class international youth inn on foot about seven minutes .

  13. 请为扬州百汇国际青年旅舍留下您宝贵的评级,与大家共享您的想法。

    Write a rating for Yangzhou Baihui International Youth Hostel and share your thoughts with other users .

  14. 这对探讨国际青年旅舍在我国进一步发展具有一定的参考价值。

    This paper is of some reference value for the extensive development of youth hostels in our country .

  15. 梦之旅青年旅舍:早在去年年初,他们土气的门面装饰上散发着带有剧毒的气味。

    Dreams Travel Youth Hostel : Already last year they treated their rustic-looking decking with something extremely toxic-smelling .

  16. 截止到目前,滇西南保山、怒江、德宏、临沧四地州唯一的一家国际青年旅舍。

    Until now , it is the only international youth hostel in Baoshan , Nujiang , Dehong and Lincang .

  17. 至身晟锋青年旅舍,您将体味到家的温馨、舒适与便捷。

    Living in Brightness Pioneer Hostel , you will appreciate comfortable and convenient service , enjoy your home warmness .

  18. 我一直在想法子把曼蒂和我弄进青年旅舍去住,因为天气越来越冷了。

    I 've been trying to get me and Mandy in a hostel cos the weather 's getting cold .

  19. 一天,董事长将梦想青年旅舍的改造计划交给童真,还告诉她说,如果做得好就可以升职。

    One day , she reluctantly accepted a job from the chairman about the makeover of the Dream Hostel .

  20. 该计划以倡导中国青年旅舍良好发展为目的,鼓励文化交流、实践环保、社会责任和自助旅游。

    It aims to promote cultural exchange , conservation of the environment , social responsibility and travel under your own steam .

  21. 通过问卷调查与文献研究等方法对青年旅舍在中国的发展历程、发展现状以及发展前景作一些探讨。

    The paper , with the methods of questionnaire and document research , analyzes the present situation and prospect of the youth hostel .

  22. 如果你不想去那些小景点,可以不用买票,你就告诉检票人说你住“老谢车马店(国际青年旅舍)”;

    When the officer check if you bought any ticket , you could tell them that you stay at Lao shay Youth Hostel .

  23. 当客人们描述他们在最富盛名的景点海厄尼斯的科德角青年旅舍的经历时,“出色的员工”是他们最常使用的表述。

    ' Great staff'is the most frequent comment when the guests are asked about their experience of the hugely popular Cape Cod hostel , HI-Hyannis .

  24. 在有稻田有山林的奇迹镇,童真找到了已关闭的梦想青年旅舍。

    To finish her job , Tong Zhen came to Miracle Town , a town full of beautiful natural sceneries , and found the abandoned Dream Hostel .

  25. 美国国际青年旅舍协会欢迎会员与非会员(美国居民),但是非会员入住的费用比会员高。

    Hostelling International USA welcomes both members and non-members ( US residents ), but non-members are required to pay a higher overnight rate for each night they stay .

  26. 青年旅舍在西方国家经过80多年的发展,已经成为拥有4500家成员旅舍的世界上最大的旅游住宿连锁组织之一。

    After more than eighty years of development in western countries , youth hotel has become one of the largest lodging chains in the world , with 4500 members .

  27. 调查结论认为,青年旅舍在我国的市场需求将继续增长,但竞争态势将日趋明显,商业化的特许经营将是比较理想的发展模式,体制矛盾将继续存在。

    The conclusion is that the demand for youth hostel will increase , and competence will be more intensive , thus the contradiction of institution will remain for some time .

  28. 蓝亭客栈是一家距国家体育场鸟巢、水立方最近的青年旅舍,也是一家建筑风格独特的具有老北京风味的平房院客栈。

    Pavilion Inn is a blue from the National Stadium Bird 's Nest , Water Cube recent youth hostel , is a unique architectural style with old Beijing style inn cottage hospital .

  29. 如果您是美国居民,您可以在美国国际青年旅舍协会申请成为会员。

    If the US is you country of residence , HI-USA can sell you a membership . ( See membership section on this site for more information on how to become a member ) .

  30. 青岛奥博维特国际青年旅舍位于市中心的观象山天文台内,在室内可看到青岛的全貌,周围被众多历史建筑包围,是一颗隐藏在城市喧嚣中的明珠。

    YHA Old Observatory , Qingdao , is located in China 's first contemporary observatory . A hidden gem from which to explore China 's most vibrant coastal city in the heart of Qingdao .