
  • 网络celadon;Celadon Glaze
  1. 瓷釉色彩语词的跨文化语义焦点&以青釉为例

    Semantic Focus of Glaze Color Lexicon in Intercultural Context : A Case Study of Celadon

  2. 通过对古窑址的调查、考察并搜集自商代以来有代表性的青釉陶瓷标本进行分析,从形成瓷器的基本条件、原料选用、施釉方法、烧成技术等方面研究我国的瓷器起源。

    Through the investigation of ancient kiln sites and analyses of typical samples of celadon since Shang Dy-nasty , the origin of Chinese porcelains was studied from the aspects of porcelain forming coditions , raw materials , glazing methods and firing technology , etc.

  3. 分析了Fe和Cu在钧瓷紫釉和青釉中的存在形态。

    The shape of Fe and Cu existing in violet glaze and bluish glaze of Jun kiln were analyzed by XPS in this paper .

  4. 结果表明Fe在紫釉和青釉中都以Fe2O3、Fe3O4、FeO3种形态存在;

    The results indicated that Fe in the form of Fe 2O 3 、 Fe 3O 4 and FeO exist in violet and bluish glaze .

  5. 这样的烧成温度对越窑青釉瓷产生了不利的影响。

    Such firing temperature exerted an unfavorable influence on Yue ware .

  6. 其中,唐代的黑釉原料产地非常集中,青釉和白釉原料产地分散;

    The sources of raw materials of the black glazes in Tang dynasty are very concentrated , the green glazes and the white glazes are scattered .

  7. 在南方也盛产青釉陶,火度高,釉质较硬,也是后来发展青瓷的开端。

    Green-glazed pottery is also abundant in the south , the fire high , hard enamel , but also was the beginning of the development of celadon .

  8. 在景德镇做了一些好玩的少女浮雕,上的都是各种不同的青釉,挺喜欢这些感觉的东西,以后去会继续做一些收藏。

    I made some relief sculptures about girls , and glaze with different celadon . I love those kind of things , and I will keep making them in the future .

  9. 这件贵为国家一级文物的青釉瓷盘,系宋代哥窑瓷器珍品,在进行分析测试时因工作人员操作仪器失误被挤压受损。

    The state 's top-level celadon-glazed dish , a masterpiece of Ge kiln porcelain from the Song Dynasty , was squeezed by a testing instrument due to human error , the museum said in a statement on Sunday .

  10. 越窑青釉瓷的兴衰固然和当时的政治、经济及其它因素有关,但它的工艺技术也应在它的兴衰全过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Although the rise and decline of Yue ware production was related to politics , economy and other factors at that time , its technology should play a very important role in the process of the rise and decline .