
niǎn zi
  • roller;roll
碾子 [niǎn zǐ]
  • (1) [roller]∶轧碎谷物或去掉谷物皮的石制工具,由圆柱形的碾轮和承担碾砣的碾盘组成

  • (2) [roll]∶泛指碾轧东西的工具

  • 药碾子

  • 汽碾子

碾子[niǎn zi]
  1. 我们用一个很沉的碾子来压。

    We use a heavy roller to level the ground .

  2. 单亲家庭社会支持网的结构探析&基于齐齐哈尔市碾子山区的个案研究

    Structural Explore of the Social Support Networks of Single-parent Family

  3. 河北省碾子沟金矿成矿远景评价

    The evaluation of the vista of gold metallization of Nian-Zi-Gou Gold Deposit , Hebei Province

  4. 但是老黄坚定地认为,用机器磨出来的糜子,远远不如在自家石碾子上碾出来的好吃。

    Huang firmly believes that the glutinous millet powdered by a machine lags far behind those ground up on his millstone .

  5. 利用整治线宽度确定的统一公式,以碾子湾、陆溪口及武桥水道为例,分别计算了各水道的整治线宽度。

    The regulation widths of the Nianziwan waterway , Luxikou waterway and Wuqiao waterway are respectively calculated by using the unified formula for the regulation width .