
niǎn mǐ
  • rice milling
碾米[niǎn mǐ]
  1. 产品说明:注:该机即可用于咖啡脱壳亦可用于碾米。

    Note : machine be used in both coffee hulling and rice milling .

  2. 注:该机即可用于咖啡脱壳亦可用于碾米。

    Note : The machine be used in both coffee hulling and rice milling .

  3. 碾米厂遭到了敌机的轰炸。

    The rice mill was wrecked by the enemy bombing .

  4. 基于PC的自动化在成套碾米设备监控系统中的应用

    PC-based Automation Application in Monitoring and Control System of Rice Milling Sets

  5. CAD在碾米机零部件设计中的应用

    Application of Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) for Designing Components in Rice Whitener

  6. Solidworks在碾米机螺旋输送器设计中的应用

    Application of SolidWorks for designing screw conveyor in rice whitener

  7. STD工业控制微机在碾米机自控系统中的应用巨型计算机与微型计算机

    Application of STD microcomputer for industrial control to the automatic controlling system in rice milling

  8. 100t/d碾米厂微机生产控制系统

    A Microcomputer Process Control System for 100 t / d Rice Mills

  9. MD对稻米的碾米品质、外观品质、蒸煮品质和营养品质无显著影响,SD则对碾米品质和外观品质有不利影响。

    MD had no significant effect on the milling quality , appearance quality , cooking quality and nutrient quality of rice , whereas SD exhibited adverse influence on the milling quality and appearance quality .

  10. 施氮量在0~240kg·ha-1范围内,增施氮肥可改善稻米的碾米品质。

    Application of nitrogen fertilizer could improve the milling quality of rice when the amount of nitrogen was between 0 and 240 kg · ha-1 .

  11. 用国产碾米设备加工精洁米的探讨

    The exploration of processing clean rice with the home-made milling equipment

  12. 湍流除尘塔在碾米工业中的应用

    The Application of the Turbulence Dust Column in the Rice-milling Industry

  13. 用单片机实现碾米抛光机的自动控制

    Automatic Control of Polishing Machines by Realize of Using Single-chip Microcomputer

  14. 杂交稻谷的碾米工艺特性的研究

    Research on the character of rice milling technology of hybrid rice

  15. 碾米碎米率的预测误差及其修正

    Estimation Error of Broken Rice Rate in Rice Milling and Its Correction

  16. 旋筛式碾米机蜗杆传动模糊可靠性分析与改进

    Worm Gear Reliability Analysis of Rotating Screen Barrel Rice Mill

  17. 立式碾米机结构特点分析欢声起真拳真打毒大米

    Analysis of the Construction Features of Vertical Rice Milling Machines

  18. 农村小型组合碾米设备

    Development and Application of Small Combined Rice-milling Equipments Used in the Countryside

  19. 浅谈碾米厂毛谷气力输送

    On the Pneumatic Conveying System for Raw Paddy in the Rice Mill

  20. 立式精碾米机机组的设计

    Design of New Type of Vertical Rice Whitening Machine Set

  21. 城市碾米厂以糙米为原料加工大米的思考

    Using Brown Rice as Raw Material for Urban Rice Milling

  22. 有碾米、造纸、锯木等厂。

    There Milling , papermaking , sawn wood , and other plants .

  23. 下磨盘转动式碾米机香料碾碎机,配有自备电动机,家用的

    Under runner sheller domestic-type spice mill with self-contained electric motor

  24. 碾米机主轴部件动平衡研究

    The Research of Dynamic Balancing for Rice Mill Shafts

  25. 碾米厂米糠气力输送风网的参数分析

    Parameter Analysis of the Pneumatic Conveying System for Rice Bran in Rice Mills

  26. 分离式碾米机分离系统的设计与分析

    On the design of the separating systems of the separating type rice mills

  27. 碾米过程中碎米率变化的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Broken Rice Rate in Rice Milling

  28. 精确碾米新技术的研究

    Study on the New Technology of Precise Rice Milling

  29. 碾米工业建立质量保证体系初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Establishment of Quality Control System in Rice-Milling Industry

  30. 碾米厂工艺和车间设计

    The Design of the Technological Process and the Workshop of a Rice Mill