
mǎ sài kè
  • mosaic
马赛克 [mǎ sài kè]
  • [mosaic] 可以拼成图案的小型彩色瓷砖,方形或六角形,也指用这种瓷砖拼成的图案

  1. 他混合使用了马赛克、拼贴画和毡头笔。

    He has used a mixture of mosaic , collage and felt-tip pen .

  2. 基于API函数的马赛克效果的图片显示

    Image Display of Mosaic Effect Based on API

  3. 那些马赛克被送到慕尼黑,从那里又送到日内瓦。

    The mosaics were sent to Munich , and thence to Geneva .

  4. 任务C与任务B的区别在于2个刺激间的时间间隔不是注视点,而是随机点组成的马赛克掩蔽刺激。

    The difference of Task C and Task B lies in random dots rather than fix crossing during the interval .

  5. CT为间质性表现占15.4%,磨玻璃状表现占33.8%,马赛克状表现占55.4%。

    Typical CT findings were interstitial pattern 15.4 % , ground-glass pattern 33.8 % , and mosaic pattern 55.4 % .

  6. 薄层CT表现为:马赛克征象,实质密度减低11例,血管细少10例;

    Thin-section CT / HRCT features included : mosaic perfusion pattern , decreased lung attenuation in 11 cases , pulmonary vascular attenuation in 10 cases ;

  7. 我来斯坦福大学那年,正是马赛克浏览器(browserMosaic)发布那年,

    The year I arrived at Stanford was the same year the browser Mosaic was released ,

  8. CT扫描示肺内毛玻璃样、片状影以及正常肺与病变肺交织嵌合构成马赛克图形。

    On CT scans , the lesions showed signs of multiple ground glass opacification , patchy shadows , or mosaic pattern when the lesion was interwoven with normal lung parenchyma .

  9. 在CT上观察肺实质变化,如磨玻璃样改变、马赛克征、小叶间隔增厚等,及纵隔、肺血管、右室扩大和室间隔移位等。

    Lung parenchyma , such as ground-glass opacity , mosaic attenuation and septal thickness , mediastinum , pulmonary vascular , right ventricular enlargement and interventricular septum displacement were evaluated on CT .

  10. 目的:探讨小气道病变时高分辨率CT(HRCT)所示马赛克衰减程度与肺功能检查指标的相关性,并评价其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the correlation of the extent of mosaic attenuation on HRCT with results of pulmonary function tests ( PFTs ) .

  11. 用常压金属化学气相沉积法(MOCVD)在Si(111)衬底上制备了马赛克结构ZnO单晶薄膜。

    Monocrystalline ZnO films with mosaic structure are successfully grown on Si ( 111 ) substrate by atmospheric-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition ( MOCVD ) .

  12. 在服务器端探测数据流的丢包率,并对其做平滑处理,实现基于丢包率的选帧自适应传输策略,并采取丢特定帧的方法避免了因P帧丢失而产生的马赛克现象。

    The frame dropping adaptive scheme is carried out according to the packet loss percent , which is detected and smoothed on the server , and an approach is proposed to avoid the mosaic brought by P frame dropping .

  13. 目的:探讨血管生成拟态(VM)、马赛克血管和内皮依赖性血管三种血液供应模式在肿瘤生长过程中的时间延续性变化。

    Objective : To determine if there is a progression from vasculogenic mimicry channels to mosaic vessels to endothelium-dependent vessels during melanoma tumor growth .

  14. 在凯蒂发布在推特的这张图片中,这位演唱《Rise》的歌手一丝不挂地站在投票站里,全身大部分都打上了马赛克,图片上还标着文字:“凯蒂•佩里明天全裸投票。”

    Katy 's picture - which featured the Rise singer standing naked in a polling station with most of her body blurred out - included written text that read : ' Katy Perry votes naked tomorrow . '

  15. 介绍了在VB中调用Bitblt函数和Sleep函数实现图像马赛克效果的方法,并通过一个具体的实例,讲述了其设计过程及程序代码。

    The article introduce the ways to realize Mosaic by Bitblt and Sleep function in VB . It tells the design process and program code with a case .

  16. 7例螺旋CT平扫有阳性发现,其征象有局部肺纹理稀疏纤细、肺动脉扩张、马赛克征、胸腔积液或心包积液、肺动脉局限性密度增高、肺梗死灶。

    Cases had positive findings on plain SCT scanning images , which showed local reduced lung markings , dilated pulmonary artery , ' mosaic ' sign , pleural or pericardial effusion , local high attenuation centrally in the pulmonary arteries and lung infarction .

  17. 用Bitblt函数实现图像马赛克效果

    To Realize Mosaic Effect by Bitblt Function

  18. 此外,Elle网站上詹姆斯的脸进行了马赛克处理,而Cosmo上的一篇文章中的照片,也将詹姆斯给裁剪掉了。

    James ' face is pixelated out on Elle 's site , and an article on Cosmo cropped James out of the photos .

  19. Schnyder结晶状角膜营养不良患者的角膜中央马赛克样混浊

    Central corneal mosaic opacities in Schnyder 's crystalline dystrophy

  20. 在Frankish王国时期,小教堂的地板曾被铺上石板、大型马赛克磁砖、大理石块和砖头。

    During the period of the Frankish kingdom , the floor of the chapel was repaired with flagstones , large mosaic cubes , pieces of marble and brick .

  21. 推荐但是不必要的是feh,一个优秀的图像查看程序,将帮助处理您的马赛克贴片和查看您完成的渲染帧。

    Recommend but not required is feh , an excellent image-viewing program that will help with the processing of your mosaic tiles and viewing your finished render frames .

  22. 使用相对较大的frameWindow参数的目的是为了快速实现拉远效果,使观众体验到马赛克效果的奇妙之处。

    The goal of using a relatively large frameWindow parameter was for the zoom out to happen quickly to allow the viewer to appreciate the novelty of the mosaic effect .

  23. 像Dostoevskaya车站的那些马赛克图画,不能绝对的说好与坏,但它可以影响那些已经处于危险中的人,埃默里大学的心理学家纳丁解释说。

    Something like the mosaic at Dostoevskaya isn 't all bad or good , but it can affect people already at risk , said Nadine Kaslow , a psychologist at Emory University .

  24. 用动态扣分策略消除序列局部联配中的马赛克问题

    Fixing Mosaic Effect on Sequence Local Alignment with Dynamic Penalty Strategy

  25. 马赛克先生是一位对现届政府直言不讳的批评家。

    Mr masack is an outspoken critic of the present government .

  26. 生物序列局部联配中的马赛克问题的一种解决方法

    A new approach to fix mosaic effect on sequence local alignment

  27. 外墙涂料已在上海、北京推广使用,它以独特的优点将取代面砖、马赛克;

    Exterior wall coatings are already spread-off in Beijing and Shanghai .

  28. 体素表面投影图象的放大操作容易产生马赛克。

    Mosaic may appear when zooming in on the voxel surface .

  29. 一次低温快速烧成马赛克结晶釉的研制

    Development of Crystal Glaze on Mosaic Tile with Once Fast firing

  30. 亮绿色的马赛克斑叶,蛋形叶,羽毛边。标准型。

    Mosaic variegated light green , ovate , quilted . Standard .