
  • 网络Lake Maracaibo;Maracaibo lake;Lago de Maracaibo
  1. Photograph:AlasdairBaverstock摄影:阿拉斯代尔巴夫斯托克四月到十一月之间,任选一个夜晚到马拉开波湖——一个与委内瑞拉海湾相连的咸水湾——闪电每分钟出现200多次,划破天空,照亮黑夜。

    Between April and November , on any given night at Lake Maracaibo - a large brackish bay connected to the Gulf of Venezuela - lightning bolts , appearing 200 to a minute , draw great cracks across the sky illuminating the night .

  2. 马拉开波湖西南角附近有着一种奇怪的现象:永不停息的夜间雷暴。

    Near the southwestern edge of Lake Maracaibo , there 's a strange phenomenon : perpetual nighttime thunderstorms .

  3. 原为梅里达山区的咖啡输出港,1918年随马拉开波湖石油的开发而大力发展起来。

    Merida mountain was the coffee output in Hong Kong , 1918 with the Lake Maracaibo oil development and vigorously develop .

  4. 法例,以管制使用及排放的剪报,并用流体在马拉开波湖地区正变得更加严格。

    Legislation to control the use and discharge of cuttings and spent fluid in Lake Maracaibo area is becoming more stringent .

  5. 这些雷暴每2秒钟就能产生一道闪电,使得马拉开波湖成了世界闪电之都。

    These storms can generate a flash of lightning every two seconds , making Lake Maracaibo the lightning capital of the world .